飞鹰合金团 (选管会) 是包括ASTM F在内的镍铁控制膨胀合金的全球领先供应商 15 合金 (Kovar®) 电线. A wide variety of Kovar® wire sizes are available from stock with immediate shipping and custom sizes can be quickly produced.
请联系我们礼貌的销售团队为您提供帮助. 请查看或打印我们的Kovar库存清单以了解我们完整的库存量和功能. Eagle Alloys Corporation是一家ISO认证的公司,并已提供最高质量的ASTM F 15 Alloy wire for over 35 年.
Kovar® wire is typically supplied to meet the requirements of UNS-K-94610, ASTM-F-15, AMS / MIL-I-23011. 根据要求其他规格.
我们的ASTM F15合金 (可伐®) 线材符合节 1502 《多德-弗兰克·华尔街改革与消费者保护法案》 2010 并且符合DFARS. Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and have been supply the highest quality Kovar® wire for over 35 年.
Kovar® wire is an alloy made up of 29% 镍, 17% 钴, .2% 硅, .3% 锰、 53.5% 铁. Kovar® wire is known for its low coefficient of thermal expansion. Kovar wire is suitable for uses which require a matched expansion seal between metal and glass parts. Kovar® 最终用途通常是玻璃密封在电子行业. Kovar® 线材的典型应用是玻璃金属密封, 引线框, 电子包装底座, 盖子, 功率管, 晶体管, 二极管, 微波管, 混合包装, X射线管, 真空管, 和灯泡.
Eagle Alloys还提供额外的低膨胀, 受控扩张, 以及包括Invar®在内的玻璃金属或陶瓷密封合金, 合金 42, 合金 46 合金, 47/50, 48, 49, 和合金 52. EAC可供应软磁合金 50, Hyperco 50 & 50A, 和Vim Var铁芯.
Kovar是CRS Holdings的注册商标, 公司,
Carpenter Technology Corp的子公司.