

Interested in Titanium Parts?

Eagle Alloys is poised to redefine the market for titanium finished parts through a unique blend of customization, quality craftsmanship, and unwavering client focus. Located in Tennessee, we cater to a diverse clientele, building durable and high-performance titanium components tailored to the specific requirements of industries such as aerospace, 醫療, automotive, and defense. Our commitment to innovation drives us to continually enhance our manufacturing processes and product offerings, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of industry advancements.

Titanium Applications: Versatility Across Industries

Titanium’s remarkable properties make it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. In the aerospace sector, its lightweight yet strong nature contributes to fuel efficiency and performance in aircraft design. For the medical field, titanium’s biocompatibility enables it to be used in implants and surgical instruments, ensuring patient safety and longevity of products. The automotive industry benefits from titanium’s resistance to corrosion and high temperatures, making it suitable for parts that require durability and reliability. In defense, titanium’s strength-to-weight ratio supports the development of advanced weaponry and armor systems. As we continue to innovate, Eagle Alloys is dedicated to exploring new applications that leverage the advantages of titanium, fostering growth and meeting the evolving demands of our clients.

Titanium Alloys: Enhancing Performance Through Material Innovation

Titanium alloys are classified into two primary categories: alpha (a) and beta (B) 合金, each offering distinct properties suited for various applications. Alpha alloys, such as Ti-6-4 (年級 5), are known for their excellent weldability and high- temperature performance, making them ideal for aerospace components. Beta alloys, like Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3ÁI, are characterized by their superior strength and formability, often utilized in applications requiring high impact resistance.

此外, titanium can be alloyed with elements such as aluminum, vanadium, and molybdenum to enhance specific characteristics. For example, Ti-6-2-4-6 is a high-strength alloy favored in aerospace for its exceptional fatigue resistance. Each titanium alloy is engineered to meet precise demands, ensuring that Eagle Alloys provides optimal solutions tailored to industry needs while maintaining our commitment to quality and integrity.

Custom Made Parts to Your Specifications Including:

Medical ImplantsArtificial JointsConnecting Rods
TurbinesFastenersEngine Components
葉片Wing PartsExhaust Systems

Titanium Key Properties

原子序數: 22象徵: 鈦密度: 4.51 克/厘米3
熔點: 1660 C (3020 F)沸點: 3287 C (5949 F)Oxidation States: +2, +3, +4

Titanium Standard Grades

ALLOYUNS No.CNHVOthers密度ModulusThermalElectrical
年級 2R50400<0.08<0.03<0.25<0.015<0.30---0.16314.94.856
年級 7R52400<0.08<0.03<0.25<0.015<0.30--0.2Pd0.16314.94.856
年級 12R53400<0.08<0.03<0.25<0.015<0.30--0.3 Mo 0.8Ni0.16415.05.352
年級 9 (3AL-2.5V)R56320<0.08<0.03<0.15<0.015<
年級 5 (6AL-3.5V-Ru)R56400<0.08<0.03<0.20<0.015<0.406.04.0-0.16016.55.0171
年級 28 (3AI-2.5V-Ru)R56323<0.08<0.03<0.15<0.015<
年級 29 (6AL-4V ELI-RU)R56404<0.08<0.03<0.13<0.015<
6AL-6V-2SnR56620<0.05<0.04<0.02<0.0150.656.06.02.0 Sn 0.75 銅0.16416.55.0157
6AL-2Sn-4Zr-6 MoR56260<0.04<0.04<0.15<0.015<0.156.0-2.0 Sn 4.0Zr 6.0Mo0.16816.54.1190
年級 19 (Beta-C)R58640<0.05<0.03<0.12<0.02<0.303.08.04.0Zr 4.0Mo 6.0 鉻0.17415.55.4157

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免費: 800.237.9012
當地: 423.586.8738
傳真: 423.586.7456

電子郵件: sales@eaglealloys.com

178 西公園法院
塔尔博特, Tn。 37877


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