Alloys are found in all sorts of things, including dental fillings, jewelry, door locks, musical instruments, coins, guns, and nuclear reactors. So what are alloys and what are they made of? Alloys are metals combined with other substances in order to make them better in some way. While some people assume the term ‘alloys’ means… 閱讀更多 »
標記: 金屬奧金斯
金屬存在於地殼中. 取決於您在地球上的位置, 如果你要挖尋找鋁, 銀或銅, 你可能會搵到它們. 通常, 呢啲純金屬存在於岩石中嘅礦物質中. 簡單地說, 如果您挖掘土壤和/或收集岩石, you’re likely to find… 閱讀更多 »