鷹合金公司 (Eac) 係包括ASTM F在內嘅鎳鐵控制擴張合金嘅全球領先供應商 15 合金 (科瓦尔®) 帶. A wide variety of Kovar® strip sizes are available from stock with immediate shipping and custom sizes can be quickly produced.
請聯繫我哋嘅禮貌銷售團隊為你提供幫助. 請查看或打印我哋嘅科瓦尔股票清單,瞭解我哋完整嘅庫存規模同功能. 鷹合金公司係ISO認證公司,提供最優質開嘅ASTM F 15 Alloy strip for over 35 年.
Kovar® strip is typically supplied to meet the requirements of AMS/MIL-23011C, 類 1. 應要求提供其他規格.
我哋嘅ASTM F15合金 (科瓦尔®) 條帶符合第 1502 多德-弗兰克華爾街改革和消費者保護法案 2010 並且符合DFARS. Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and have been supply the highest quality Kovar® strip for over 35 年.
Kovar® strip is an alloy made up of 29% 鎳, 17% 鈷, .2% 矽, .3% 錳同 53.5% 鐵. Kovar® strip is known for its low coefficient of thermal expansion. Kovar strip is suitable for uses which require a matched expansion seal between metal and glass parts. 科瓦尔®終端用途通常係玻璃密封喺電子行業. Typical applications for Kovar ® strip are glass-to-metal seals, 鉛框架, 電子包底座, 蓋, 電源管, 晶體管, 二極管, 微波管, 混合包裝, X射線管, 真空管, 同燈泡.
鷹合金都提供額外嘅低擴張, 可控擴展, 同玻璃到金屬或陶瓷密封合金,包括因瓦尔®, 合金 42, 合金 46 合金, 47/50, 48, 49, 同合金 52. EAC可以提供軟磁合金 50, 希珀科 50 & 50一, 同维姆瓦尔核心铁.
科瓦尔係CRS控股公司嘅註冊商標, 公司。,