類別: 鋁板金屬


Eagle Alloys of Talbott, Tn。, sells Aluminum 4032 和 4047. Aluminum is a relatively light metal with a strong resistance to heat and corrosion, so it’s used in many industrial applications. Being easily malleable with good thermal conductivity, aluminum is flexible and formable as well as durable and strong– no wonder it’s popular. Industrial Aluminum閱讀更多 »


Where would today’s world be without industrial aluminum? Manufacturers all around the globe use it to make things. Why is aluminum so popular? 嗯, it offers high strength coupled with low-density properties, and its corrosion resistance is important, 太. What are some of the most common uses for aluminum? Because it’s non-toxic, aluminum is used閱讀更多 »


How can you find the right aluminum supplier? Ask yourself some questions and think about some things before you start your search. Research For starters, do you want to find an aluminum supplier offering a limited or wide range of products? Depending on what you need, you may want to choose a supplier that offers閱讀更多 »


鋁及其合金對航空航天工業至關重要,運輸和建築行業都好緊要緊. Aluminum is found in many products including automobiles, 窗框, kitchen appliances and more. Known for its strength, ductility and low weight, it’s also popular because of its resistance to rust. Aluminum is Rust-Resistant Though aluminum is rust-resistant,… 閱讀更多 »


Known for corrosion resistance and a high strength to weight ratio so it’s typically a lighter weight than other options, Aluminum bar meets a lot of company’s needs. It can be bent and shaped in a number of ways. It’s also hygienic and ductile, with good thermal and electrical conductivity as well as reflexivity. Varied閱讀更多 »


Aluminum is all around us! It’s in cars, airplanes, roofs, transformers, conductors, nuts, bolts, and kitchen appliances. Aluminum accounts for about 8% of all elements in our planet’s crust– it’s ubiquitous. And people love using it… it’s strong, low weight, ductility and rust resistance is awesome. Does it sound like it’s almost perfect? Kind of–閱讀更多 »


你係喺低密度工業金屬市場啊?? 㞖, 鋁可能係你嘅完美選擇. 当好多人想到鋁, 一罐梳打水浮現在腦海. 然而, 你知唔知?, 與鋼一起, 鋁係工業環境中使用更為普遍嘅金屬之一? 原因如下: It’s閱讀更多 »

The Difference Between Aluminum and Stainless Steel

If you take a step back and look at them both, you’ll see that aluminum and stainless steel look a lot alike. You might even mistake one for the other if you just glance at them quickly. 不過, you should know that there are quite a few differences that set aluminum and stainless steel apart…. 閱讀更多 »


当大多數人想到由鋁製成嘅不同嘢時, 佢哋考慮鋁箔, 鋁門窗, 和, 答案係肯定嘅, 鋁罐. 然而, 人們並不總是意識到,鋁喺航空航天工業方面有着悠久而傳奇嘅歷史. 鋁合金發揮了關鍵作用… 閱讀更多 »

Why Many Businesses Prefer Aluminum Metal

Take a look around you right now. Chances are, you’ll spot at least a few things that are made out of aluminum. From smartphones and computers to cars and airplanes, businesses use aluminum to make many of their products. Let’s take a look at why so many companies prefer to use aluminum over many other閱讀更多 »