How Vanadium Could Help Solve Our Energy Problems

Have you heard of vanadium? It’s a metal most people haven’t heard ofyet. Vanadium could play a key role in delivering energy to our world in the years to come. 第一, 雖然, consider Hawaii, which gets more sunshine than most states. Because of its remote location, Hawaii’s electricity costs more than three times the閱讀更多 »

Interesting Facts About Metal

Metals are typically solid materials known to be hard, 閃亮, malleable, fusible, and ductile. With good electrical and thermal conductivity, metals are useful in so many applications and without them our world just wouldn’t be the same. If you want to impress your friends at a party, and they’re into“metals,” here are some interesting facts閱讀更多 »

What Are Alloys? How Are They Made?

Alloys are found in all sorts of things, including dental fillings, jewelry, door locks, musical instruments, coins, guns, and nuclear reactors. So what are alloys and what are they made of? Alloys are metals combined with other substances in order to make them better in some way. While some people assume the term ‘alloys’ means閱讀更多 »


就好似啲人想減肥一樣, 航空航天和軍事工業始終對使用更輕嘅金屬嚟製造其組件嘅諗法持開放態度,因為負載越輕, 所需嘅油耗更少, 從而節省資金. 如果有人能設計出羽毛噉輕嘅機, 佢哋將徹底改變航空旅行,… 閱讀更多 »

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