
鑄鋼是一種鑄件,當鑄鐵不能提供足夠的強度或抗衝擊性時使用的一種鑄件. 碳鋼和合金鋼係鑄鋼嘅兩大類. 鑄鋼有哪些好處? 當您可以選擇使用合金時, steel casting allows for great design flexibility so閱讀更多 »

Alloy Steel vs. 碳鋼: A Guide

So, you find yourself comparing materials for your company and you see two options: alloy and carbon steel. The difference may be minuscule, but it can make a large impact. There’s truly no right or wrong way to go in alloy vs. carbon steel but knowing the differences can prepare you to make the best閱讀更多 »


Aluminum is all around us! It’s in cars, airplanes, roofs, transformers, conductors, nuts, bolts, and kitchen appliances. Aluminum accounts for about 8% of all elements in our planet’s crust– it’s ubiquitous. And people love using it… it’s strong, low weight, ductility and rust resistance is awesome. Does it sound like it’s almost perfect? Kind of–閱讀更多 »


Eagle Alloys deals with pure tungsten, copper tungsten, and tungsten alloy. Available in foil, 帶, 表, 碟, 線, 引 腳, 桿, 酒吧, 空白, 管, 油管, 配件, 噴嘴, and crucibles as well as semi-finished and finished parts, tungsten from Eagle Alloys comes in custom sizes and grades. Tungsten Has Many Uses Tungsten is a vital industrial metal…. 閱讀更多 »


How much do you know about copper? Here are some basics: it’s electrically conductive, malleable, and corrosion-resistant. It’s used in several industries, including manufacturing and construction, in things such as circuit boards and roofing sheets. Copper can often be found in the form of blanks, flats, bars, plates and sheet stock. It can be used閱讀更多 »


如果你要訪問地盤並詢問佢哋最常使用嘅材料, 你會喺嗰度搵到乜嘢? 通常, 最常見嘅建築材料包括碳鋼, 鋁, 銅管和不銹鋼. 呢啲材料喺世界各地嘅建築物中都好常見. 它們用于各種應用, 包括… 閱讀更多 »


幾十年了, Eagle Alloys has been supplying a wide variety of top-quality materials including industrial metals to leading companies in many industries. 如何找到"合適嘅"工業金屬製造商? 嗯, 初學者, 你可以叫鷹合金 800-237-9012 to discuss your needs and see if it’s a good fit… but閱讀更多 »


Eagle Alloys Corporation is a leading global supplier of commercially pure Rhenium (再), 鉬 - 鋮合金 (鉬-瑞), 同鎢鋮合金 (W-Re) 在箔, 絲帶, 帶, 表, 碟, 線, 桿, 酒吧, 粉, 微丸, 空白, 管, 油管, 電極,  以及半成品和成品零件, 自定義大小, 同自定義等級. 鷹合金, an ISO certified corporation, has been閱讀更多 »


鷹合金係全球領先嘅商業純鎢供應商, 以及高密度可加工鎢合金和銅鎢合金. 鷹合金係一家ISO認證嘅公司,一直為超過 35 年. 發現那麼,關於鎢嘅一些歷史事實係乜嘢?? 係一個元素,… 閱讀更多 »


Okay, so you’ve heard some things about industrial metals. But what things are true and what things are false/myths? Costs Are metals more costly to manufacture than other materials? Not these days. Thanks to today’s manufacturing technology, metal manufacturing is more affordable thanks to things like automation and advances in tooling machinery. Are the lightest閱讀更多 »