Where would we be without pipes? Yantio', they’re common and people don’t think much about them, but the reality is that our modern society runs on pipes. They’re used for many things. Every time you go into a bathroom and use the sink or toilet, you have pipes to thank for taking care of the… Xook asab »
Categoría: Tubos níquel
Le metales níquel le u k'ajóolta'ano'ob tuméen u versatilidad
It’s time to talk about nickel. Now if you’re like most people, you just think of “nickels,” aka 5 cent pieces we use for money. But there’s nickel, element number 28 on the periodic table, with an atomic mass of 58.69. Nickel is used in a variety of ways– you’ll find it all around you… Xook asab »
Usos náats'al ti' le níquel
When most people hear the word “nickel,” they commonly associate it with the nickel coin worth five cents in America. That said, nickel is also known as a silvery-white metal you could find in the earth’s crust, typically in hydrothermal veins and in surface deposits thanks to erosion and the weathering of rocks. If you… Xook asab »
Razones utia'al u considerar le tuberías aleación níquel utia'al u kajtalo'ob ichil industriales
Le tuberías aleación níquel utilizan te' ba'alo'ob bey generadores vapor, sistemas aeronaves, Yéetel u extracción petróleo yéetel gas... Le tuberías aleación níquel yaan ya'ab beneficios. Cuáles ku yane' ti' leti'ob.? Lento utia'al u oxidar ti'al u chuumpajal, Le níquel Xáan oxidar u temperatura ambiente yéetel lelo' u k'áat u ya'al le naturalmente resistente ti' le corrosión. Piense ti' le ya'ab entornos industriales… Xook asab »
Cuáles ku ventajas le tuberías hechas ti' aleación níquel?
Ba'ax a a preguntando ba'ax jejelas tuberías tia'al? Eagle Alloys le jump'éel proveedor tubos yéetel tuberías aleación níquel, usando Inconel® (resistente u 1170 grados Celsius), Monel®, ka aleaciones incoloy®. Ts'o'ok bixake' utia'al usos cotidianos, wa industrial ka'anal estrés, energía wa entornos químicos, aleación níquel le jump'éel nuxi' opción debido a u ka'anal resistencia ti' le corrosión,… Xook asab »