Categoría: Metales

Le beneficios fabricación metal personalizada

Custom metal fabrication has several benefits. What are they? Find out here… Tailored Design You have needs, and you have exact needs. When you want to meet those exact needs, you can utilize custom metal fabrication such that you get exactly what you want and need rather than have to rely on a prefabricated designXook asab »

Jump'éel náakake' u yaak'il ti' aleaciones ka'anal temperatura

Do you work at a company that deals with hot environments and/or extreme temperatures? Tu óoltaj afirmación, you might be somewhat familiar with high temperature alloys. When the temperatures are extremely hot, there are certain metals and alloys that perform well thanks to their structure(s) and the strength of the interatomic bonds within them. What areXook asab »

Le metales industriales asab importantes utia'al k futuro

That smartphone you use to check Facebook, email and the Internet? That’s possible thanks to industrial metals. Indeed, many of today’s technological advancements are due, in part, to metals being used in ways that would blow the minds of people alive on Planet Earth just a century ago. Energy and technology rely on several metals,… Xook asab »

Beneficios le fundición acero

Steel casting is a type of casting used when cast irons can’t deliver enough strength or shock resistance. Carbon steels and alloy steels are the two general categories of steel casting. What are some benefits of steel casting? When you have a choice of alloys to use, steel casting allows for great design flexibility soXook asab »

What Are the Most Common Construction Metals?

If you were to visit a construction site and ask what materials they most often used, what would you find there? Typically, the most common construction materials include carbon steel, aluminio, copper tubing and stainless steel. These materials are commonly found in buildings all around the world. They’re used in all sorts of applications, Incluido… Xook asab »

Ba'alo'ob u ignorar túun le metales industriales

Okay, so you’ve heard some things about industrial metals. But what things are true and what things are false/myths? Costs Are metals more costly to manufacture than other materials? Not these days. Thanks to today’s manufacturing technology, metal manufacturing is more affordable thanks to things like automation and advances in tooling machinery. Are the lightestXook asab »

Ba'ax tu'ux provienen le metales industriales.?

Tu Eagle Alloys Corporation, K mentaj le ofrecer materiales le asab ka'anal calidad ti' le tojol asab competitivos. Meyajtik yéetel molinos yéetel Páaybe'en calidad utia'al satisfacer kajtalo'ob ichil ti' constante k'eexpajal k'íiwiko'. Bey u... tu'ux provienen le metales industriales? Earth’s Metals Metals come from our planet– Lu'um. Mining companies dig for underground depositsXook asab »

Cuáles ku beneficios le metales baja densidad.?

Ba'ax yaan tech te' k'íiwiko' metales industriales u baja densidad.? Tu óoltaj afirmación, le aluminio je'el u beel le opción perfecta teechi'. Ka ya'ab tuukultik ti' aluminio, In tal tin tuukul juntúul lata ja'. Chéen ba'ale', sabías u, yéetel le acero, Le aluminio jach juntúul le metales asab utilizados ti' entornos industriales? Ts'o'ok in waye' Ba'axten: It’sXook asab »

3 Datos interesantes u xaan ma' sepa yóok'ol le metales industriales

Le metales industriales le jump'éel componente Páaybe'en ti' le economía mundial. Tu Eagle Alloys, suministramos metales cortados yéetel moldeados u p'iss bey ti' tu amplia gama sikte, incluidos le ti' le producto químico, fabricación, ma'alo'obtal yéetel industrias aeronáuticas. Independientemente u kajtalo'ob ichil específicas, Táan k listos utia'al áantaj ti' Amal paso le bejo'. Bey… Xook asab »

Why Rhenium is a Vital Industrial Metal

Discovered almost 100 úuch k'íin, rhenium has turned into a very important transition metal. It’s found in a lot of powerful engines and it’s capable of providing a wide range of essential chemical reactions. From the aerospace industry to petroleum refineries, you’ll find rhenium all over the place these days. Learn more about why itXook asab »