اپنی کمپنی کی ضروریات کے لیے صحیح ایلومینیم بار کا انتخاب

Known for corrosion resistance and a high strength to weight ratio so it’s typically a lighter weight than other options, Aluminum bar meets a lot of company’s needs. It can be bent and shaped in a number of ways. It’s also hygienic and ductile, with good thermal and electrical conductivity as well as reflexivity.

Varied Shapes

Aluminum bar shapes vary. Where do round bar shapes do well? They’re used in railroading, aerospace and trucking industries. Square bar shapes work well in aerospace, طبی, تعمیراتی اور آٹوموٹو انڈسٹریز. And rectangular, aka “flat bar?” This shape is popular for use in many industries, including aerospace, automotive, marine, and medical, among others.

4032 ایلومینیم

Eagle Alloys Corporation is the leading global supplier of 4032 ایلومینیم. This round bar is used in a variety of applications including laser weld covers for microwave integrated circuits, آواز کی ریکارڈنگ کے آلات, کاپیئر حصوں, بریک ماسٹر سلنڈر, ٹرانسمیشن والوز, ریک اور پنین اسٹیئرنگ سسٹم کے لیے جھاڑیاں, بیرنگ, hydraulic applications and forged pistons. 4032 bar is suggested for applications requiring wear and abrasion resistance. For more specifics, check out this webpage.

4047 ایلومینیم

Eagle Alloys is also the leading global supplier 4047 ایلومینیم. Ever popular, 4047 Aluminum bar is used in a variety of applications including liners, laser weld covers for microwave integrated circuits and other similar devices, housing, مرکب کے ایلومینیم خاندان کے اندر مواد میں شامل ہونا, engine blocks, welding filler wires and leak tight joints. مزید معلومات کے لیے, check out this webpage.

Eagle Alloys is a family-owned business located in Talbott, ٹینیسی. An ISO-certified company, Eagle Alloys supplies and distributes quality metals and alloys worldwide. In business for more than 35 سال, Eagle Alloys continues to provide quality products and excellent customer service to its many satisfied customers. Curious to know more information? Eagle Alloys can answer your questions; براہ کرم کال کریں۔ 800-237-9012 یا ای میل sales@eaglealloys.com.