Te mau maitai o te tii auri

Steel casting is a type of casting used when cast irons can’t deliver enough strength or shock resistance. Carbon steels and alloy steels are the two general categories of steel casting. What are some benefits of steel casting? When you have a choice of alloys to use, steel casting allows for great design flexibility soTaio rahi atu a »

Alloy Steel vs. Carbon Steel: Te hoê arata'i

So, you find yourself comparing materials for your company and you see two options: alloy and carbon steel. The difference may be minuscule, but it can make a large impact. There’s truly no right or wrong way to go in alloy vs. carbon steel but knowing the differences can prepare you to make the bestTaio rahi atu a »

Nahea ia paruru i te mau rave'a paruru i te tahi atu mau rave'a i ni'a i te tahi atu mau mea.

Aluminum is all around us! It’s in cars, airplanes, roofs, transformers, conductors, nuts, bolts, and kitchen appliances. Aluminum accounts for about 8% of all elements in our planet’s crust– it’s ubiquitous. And people love using it… it’s strong, low weight, ductility and rust resistance is awesome. Does it sound like it’s almost perfect? Kind of–Taio rahi atu a »

Ua riro te ti'atauraa ei Auri faufaa no te ohipa

Eagle Alloys deals with pure tungsten, maa na te kopa, and tungsten alloy. Available in foil, api parau apî, api, api, niuniu, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, te raau ta'ita'i, faito, te mau vahi uouo, e'a faahee (oe), tubing, mau huru tano, e te'a, and crucibles as well as semi-finished and finished parts, tungsten from Eagle Alloys comes in custom sizes and grades. Tungsten Has Many Uses Tungsten is a vital industrial metal…. Taio rahi atu a »

Te mau faaohiparaa matauhia no te taipu tai'oraa ohipa

How much do you know about copper? Here are some basics: it’s electrically conductive, Te mau nota, and corrosion-resistant. It’s used in several industries, including manufacturing and construction, in things such as circuit boards and roofing sheets. Copper can often be found in the form of blanks, flats, mau pae, plates and sheet stock. It can be usedTaio rahi atu a »

Eaha te mau tao'a paturaa matau - roa ' ' e - hia?

If you were to visit a construction site and ask what materials they most often used, what would you find there? E mea pinepine, the most common construction materials include carbon steel, na'na e'ino, copper tubing and stainless steel. These materials are commonly found in buildings all around the world. They’re used in all sorts of applications, tae noa'tu i te… Taio rahi atu a »

Nahea ia ite i te ti'araa i ni'a i te i'oa o te i'oa o te taata

E rave rahi matahiti i teie nei, Ua horo'a mai te mau aeto i te mau materia faahiahia e rave rahi mai te mau auri ohiparaa i roto i te mau taiete e rave rahi i roto i te mau taiete e rave rahi. Nahea e itehia ai ia outou " te atau " te auri i te pae no te ohipa? Maitai roa, no te feia e haamata ra, e nehenehe ta outou e pii i te mau aeto i ni'a i te 800-237-9012 ia aparau i to outou mau hinaaro e ia hi'o e, e mea tano anei... tera râ… Taio rahi atu a »

Eaha te ti'a ia outou ia ite no ni'a ia Rhenium?

Eagle Alloys Corporation is a leading global supplier of commercially pure Rhenium (Faaho'i-faahou-raa mai), Molybdenum-Rhenium Alloys (Mo-Re), e Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys (W-Re) parau i roto i te foila, ripene, api parau apî, api, api, niuniu, te raau ta'ita'i, faito, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, te mau nota, te mau vahi uouo, e'a faahee (oe), tubing, feia apî ha'ue,  e tae noa'tu i te mau tuhaa tei oti e tei oti i te ravehia, te mau faito rahi taa ê, e te mau numera taa ê. Eagle Alloys, an ISO certified corporation, has beenTaio rahi atu a »

Te Aamu no te Ora

Te ana'iraa o te aeto o te hoê ïa taata faaô faufaa ore i roto i te mau tauhaa tapihooraa, e tae noa'tu i te hoê atautau me'a marû e te faaamuraa a te mau atau. Ua riro te Eagle Alloys ei taiete haamanahia e te ISO, e ua horo'a mai oia i te mau auri maitai roa a'e. 35 mau matahiti. Te iteraa ïa eaha te tahi mau mea aamu no ni'a i te au-noa-raa? O te hoê ïa tuhaa o te… Taio rahi atu a »

Te mau mea e haapa'o nei i te parau no ni'a i te mau auri i te mau ohipa

Ua ti'a, no reira ua faaroo outou i te tahi mau mea no ni'a i te mau auri î i te pae îa. Tera râ, eaha te mau mea mau e eaha te mau mea hape e te mau parau hape? E moni rahi a'e te mau haamau'araa no te auhe mai i te tahi atu mau materia? E ere i teie mau mahana. Mauruuru i te mau rave'a apî no teie anotau, Te mau tao'a hamaniraa auri o te haamauruururaa ïa i te mau mea mai te hamaniraa i te matini matini e te mau tauihaa. O te mea maramarama roa a'e ïa… Taio rahi atu a »