Liga de Aço vs. Aço carbono: Um guia

Então, você está comparando materiais para sua empresa e vê duas opções: liga e aço carbono. A diferença pode ser minúscula, mas pode causar um grande impacto. Não há realmente nenhuma maneira certa ou errada de ir em liga vs.. carbon steel but knowing the differences can prepare you to make the best decision for your company.

Consider the Needs for the Job

Both steels have various qualities that can augment the job. If you’re looking for something with a high weldability, alloy steel is the way to go. No entanto, if you’re needing something with a lower ductility, carbon steel is your best bet. If you need to withstand high heat, alloy steel generally has higher melting points than carbon steel.

Consider the Job in Itself

Although both alloy and carbon steel have a wide array of benefits and uses, there is a general rule of thumb for how each is used. Alloy steel is typically used for areas such as: reservas de tungstênio são abundantes no mundo, automotive, and machinery. Carbon steel on the other hand, is used in the petrochemical sphere, aiding with shipbuilding, and pressure vessels, among other purposes.

Still Unsure?

That’s okay! Here at Ligas de águia we work closely with our clients to help them find the right industrial metals for their specific needs. Contate-nos or check out our services to get in touch with us for a free quote for your job.