Categoría: Metales

Ya njapu'befi ar fabricación ya bo̲jä, personalizada

Custom metal fabrication has several benefits. What are they? Find out here… Tailored Design You have needs, and you have exact needs. When you want to meet those exact needs, you can utilize custom metal fabrication such that you get exactly what you want and need rather than have to rely on a prefabricated designLei mäs »

'Nar guía aleaciones mextha ar mpat'i

Do you work at a company that deals with hot environments and/or extreme temperatures? Xähmö nu'bu̲ nja'bu̲, you might be somewhat familiar with high temperature alloys. When the temperatures are extremely hot, there are certain metals and alloys that perform well thanks to their structure(s) and the strength of the interatomic bonds within them. What areLei mäs »

Ya metales industriales mäs mahyoni pa ma futuro

That smartphone you use to check Facebook, email and the Internet? That’s possible thanks to industrial metals. Makwäni, many of today’s technological advancements are due, in part, to metals being used in ways that would blow the minds of people alive on Planet Earth just a century ago. Energy and technology rely on several metals,… Lei mäs »

Ya njapu'befi fundición asero

Steel casting is a type of casting used when cast irons can’t deliver enough strength or shock resistance. Carbon steels and alloy steels are the two general categories of steel casting. What are some benefits of steel casting? When you have a choice of alloys to use, steel casting allows for great design flexibility soLei mäs »

¿Temu̲ ya ya metales ar nju̲ts'i mäs pa ngatho??

If you were to visit a construction site and ask what materials they most often used, what would you find there? Típicamente, the most common construction materials include carbon steel, Aluminio, copper tubing and stainless steel. These materials are commonly found in buildings all around the world. They’re used in all sorts of applications, Incluido… Lei mäs »

Ya 'bede ne gi ignorar ir nge ya metales industriales

Xi hño, nja'bu da xka escuchado ra 'bede dige ya metales industriales. Pe Temu̲ ya 'bede ya verdaderas ne Temu̲ ya 'bede ya falsas yá mitos? Costos ¿ya ya metales mäs costosos ar fabricar da ma'ra ya materiales?? Hingi jar nuya ya pa. Jamädi ar tecnología fabricación nu'bya, Fabricación metales ge mäs asequible jamädi ya komongu ar automatización ne ya avances maquinaria bo̲jä nu'u̲. Ya mäs ya ligeros… Lei mäs »

Hogem'bu̲ provienen ya metales industriales?

Jar Eagle Alloys Corporation, ma ar mfeni ar 'be̲fi ar ofrecer ar materiales xí mextha ar hño ja ya precios mäs competitivos. Trabajamos molinos ne proveedores hño pa satisfacer ya ndu nzäm'bu̲ cambio jár ta̲i. nja'bu da... Hogem'bu̲ provienen ya metales industriales? Metales metálicos ar ximha̲i provienen ma planeta– Ha̲i. Empresas mineras cavan pa depósitos subterráneos… Lei mäs »

Temu̲ bi njapu'befi ar ya metales xí hñets'i'i densidad?

¿Gi jar jár ta̲i ya metales ar industriales xí hñets'i'i densidad? Xähmö nu'bu̲ nja'bu̲, aluminio dar tsa̲ da opción perfecta pa nu'i. Nu'bu̲ xingu mbeni jar aluminio, 'nar lata ya dehe ku̲hu̲ ar mente. Wat'i, ¿Sabías da?, junto con ar asero, ar aluminio ge 'na ya metales mäs utilizados jar entornos industriales? Xta nuwa Yogo'ä: Ar… Lei mäs »

3 Datos interesantes da xähmä hingi sepas dige ar metales industriales

Ya metales industriales ge 'nar componente vital ar economía jar nxoge ximhai. Jar aleaciones ar nxu̲ni, suministramos metales ar Ts'ut'ubi ne ar nt'ot'e personalizados empresas ja 'nar nt'ot'e ho 'bui ndunthe gama campos, da 'ñent'i ya ar sustancia química, Fabricación, industrias tecnológicas ne aeronáuticas. Independientemente ja yá ndu específicas, je̲ya'bya listos pa gi fa̲xki bí ja ya bi thogi ar 'ñu. Ngu… Lei mäs »

Yogo'ä ar renio ge 'nar metal industrial vital

Descubierto kasu̲ 100 ya je̲ya atrás, ar renio ar xi convertido ja 'nar metal transición xi mahyoni. O 'mu̲i 'nar Nar dätä hño yá 'bede ya motores potentes ne ar capaz ar proporcionar 'nar nt'ot'e ho 'bui ndunthe gama reacciones químicas esenciales. Ar industria aeroespacial ja ya refinerías petróleo, Gi tini renio ir nge ngatho ya xeni jar nuya ya pa. Mäs ungumfädi sobre Yogo'ä… Lei mäs »