Why Industrial Metals Are Vital to Our Economy

Industrial metals have just about always played an important role in the well-being of the global economy. Wat'i, these days it appears as though industrial metals are going to play even more of a role than usual in spite of the global trade wars that are on the brink of breaking out. In the comingLei mäs »

Datos interesantes dige ar tungsteno

Tungsteno, which was first discovered about 350 ya je̲ya atrás, ar conocido ir nge to 'na ya xe̲ni mäs resistentes mi 'bu̲i jar 'mui. Ar extremadamente denso ne ar kasu̲ imposible ar derretir. Ár resistencia ne durabilidad xi ayudado ja ya jä'i tini nga̲tho ar klase ar usos pa nu'ä.. Here are some other interesting facts about tungsten that youLei mäs »

Ya hñäki entre aleaciones ne compuestos

Ja ar superficie, ya aleaciones ne ya compuestos pe̲ts'i Tso̲kwa menu 'nar Nar dätä hño xka da común. Materiales aleación ne compuestos ar componen ja 'nar mezcla tso̲kwa menu yoho ya componentes.. Ya aleaciones ne ya compuestos 'nehe xkagentho jar ar o ár 'ñu ar da exhiben propiedades 'na'ño ja ya propiedades asociadas ko ya materiales utilizan pa ya fabricar.…. Lei mäs »

Hogem'bu̲ bí bí nthe̲hu̲ vanadio ya bes?

Ar vanadio hingi to da 'nar metal xi hño conocido, pe yá características bí convierten ja 'nar opción ideal pa 'ra ya 'yot'e. Gem'bu̲ ar vanadio ni 'nar pa xi disfrutado ar popularidad 'ra ya ma'ra metales, Xi existido Nxoge tso̲kwa menu yoho ya siglos ne bí xi utilizado comercialmente Nxoge décadas. Nuna gehna 'nar visión Nxoge jar vanadio ne ár descubrimiento. Vanadio… Lei mäs »

Ya usos ne ar singularidad Kovar

Kovar xi 'ma̲i jar njapu'befi Nxoge xingu ya décadas. A pesar de relativamente xi maki ár 'bede, xingu ya jä'i fuera de ya campos ingeniería ni 'nar pa da uni wa da o̲de ñä ar valiosa xí aleación. Nuna gehna 'nar visión Nxoge ar kovar. Ár thuhuu Kovar ar pe marca registrada ja 'nar corporación Delaware, Posesiones CRS, inc. Kovar bí patentado ya bes ja ya EE.UU.. in 1936…. Lei mäs »

A Brief Overview Zirconium

Zirconium is an element that is commonly used as an opacifier and refractory, though it is used in other applications as well. It was first discovered in the late 18th century, but was not isolated until the 19th century or made available in a pure from until the early 20th century. Zirconium is not foundLei mäs »

¿Da te ar gi japu̲'be̲fi ar renio??

Ar renio ge 'nar metal extremadamente raro mi pe̲ts'i 'nar gama características 'na'ño da dí o̲t'e ideal pa xingu ya nt'ot'e da nu'bya xtä.. Pe̲ts'i ar punto ar ebullición mäs da 'yot'e ya xe̲ni ar tabla periódica, ne pe̲ts'i 'na ya puntos ar fusión xí altos. Komongu ar nt'uni 'me̲hna, rhenium is often used forLei mäs »

Interesting New Research on How to Create Lighter, but Stronger Alloys

For thousands of years now, people have been taking various metals, blending them together, and creating metal mixtures called alloys that have unique properties that make them valuable to human beings. Some example of alloys that have made a big impact on the world include bronze, which is a blend of tin and copper, Ne… Lei mäs »

Here’s Why There is a Growing Demand for Lithium

Gold, ár t'axi, and copper have historically been considered some of the most precious metals on the planet. But the truth is that lithium is actually one of the most important metals to humans right now. You might not necessarily spend much time thinking about lithium—and you probably wouldn’t ask your significant other to buy youLei mäs »

There Are Many Uses for Zirconium

Just reading the word zirconium probably brings to mind “cubic zirconia,” which is the world’s most popular diamond simulant. Zirconium and cubic zirconia are very different things, but the average person is likely to think they’re related because they sound similar, Na za? Cubic zirconia is a manmade thing, and you’re likely to find jewelry, suchLei mäs »