Qeb: Kev lag luam xov xwm

Rhenium siv rau?

Rhenium yog ib tug tsis tshua muaj hlau uas muaj ntau hom cim uas ua rau nws zoo tagnrho rau ntau lub hom phiaj hnub no. Nws muaj lub siab boiling taw tes ntawm tej lub ntsiab ntawm lub rooj rau lub sij hawm, Thiab nws muaj ib lub siab melting ntsiab lus. Vim li ntawd ntawm qhov no, rhenium is often used forNyeem ntxiv »

Interesting New Research on How to Create Lighter, but Stronger Alloys

For thousands of years now, people have been taking various metals, blending them together, and creating metal mixtures called alloys that have unique properties that make them valuable to human beings. Some example of alloys that have made a big impact on the world include bronze, which is a blend of tin and copper, Thiab… Nyeem ntxiv »

Here’s Why There is a Growing Demand for Lithium

Gold, silver, and copper have historically been considered some of the most precious metals on the planet. But the truth is that lithium is actually one of the most important metals to humans right now. You might not necessarily spend much time thinking about lithium—and you probably wouldn’t ask your significant other to buy youNyeem ntxiv »

Cov Alloys Yog Dab Tsi? Li cas yog lawv ua?

Alloys muaj nyob rau txhua yam uas, nrog rau qhov uas ntsaws hniav, yuj siab, qhov rooj nraum zoov, ncauj lus qhia, npib, phom, thiab nuclear reactors. Li ntawd, zoo li cas yog alloys thiab zoo li cas yog lawv tau ua? Alloys yog hlau tag nrho nrog lwm yam khoom thiaj li yuav ua rau lawv zoo nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev. Thaum ib txhia neeg xav tias tsam lawv 'alloys' txhais tau tias… Nyeem ntxiv »

Metal Alloys Play a Crucial Role in the Aerospace and Military Industries

Just like people want to lose weight, the aerospace and military industries are always open to the idea of lighter metals being used to build their components since the lighter the load, the less fuel consumption required, thus saving money. If someone could design an aircraft as light as a feather, they’d revolutionize air travel,… Nyeem ntxiv »