How much do you know about copper? Here are some basics: it’s electrically conductive, khaws txuas, and corrosion-resistant. It’s used in several industries, including manufacturing and construction, in things such as circuit boards and roofing sheets. Copper can often be found in the form of blanks, flats, bars, plates and sheet stock. Siv tau los siv tau… Nyeem ntxiv »
Qeb: Tooj Liab Alloys
Ib txhia cov advantages ntawm Topper Alloys?
Tam sim no muaj ntau tshaj 400 tooj liab. Ntawm brass thiab bronze to tooj-nickel thiab nickel nyiaj, Koj yuav muaj ntau txoj kev xaiv los ntawm yog hais tias koj nyob nraum nrhiav lwm tus neeg siv rau kev siv rau cov txheej txheem los yog lwm yam ntaub ntawv. Ib tug neeg tooj liab alloy muaj nws tus kheej distinguishing characterists, tiam sis feem ntau hais lus, muaj ntau yam kev pab… Nyeem ntxiv »