Qeb: hlau

The Uses and Uniqueness of Kovar

Kovar has been in use for many decades. Despite its relatively long history, many people outside of engineering fields may never have heard of this valuable alloy. This is an overview of kovar. The name Kovar is actually trademarked by a Delaware corporation, CRS Holdings, Inc. Kovar was first patented in the U.S. in 1936…. Nyeem ntxiv »

A Brief Overview Zirconium

Zirconium is an element that is commonly used as an opacifier and refractory, though it is used in other applications as well. It was first discovered in the late 18th century, but was not isolated until the 19th century or made available in a pure from until the early 20th century. Zirconium is not foundNyeem ntxiv »

Interesting New Research on How to Create Lighter, but Stronger Alloys

For thousands of years now, people have been taking various metals, blending them together, and creating metal mixtures called alloys that have unique properties that make them valuable to human beings. Some example of alloys that have made a big impact on the world include bronze, which is a blend of tin and copper, Thiab… Nyeem ntxiv »

Muaj ntau siv rau Zirconium

Cia li nyeem lo lus zirconium tej zaum theem siab "cubic zirconia," Lub ntiajteb nyiam ua tej pob zeb zeb diamond txawm simulant. Zirconium thiab cubic zirconia yog ntau yam, Tab sis tus neeg nruab nrab yog tej zaum yuav xav tias tsuav yog hais txog vim lawv suab zoo sib xws, Sab xis? Cubic zirconia yog ib tug manmade tshaj plaws, Thiab koj nyob nraum yuav nrhiav jewelry, suchNyeem ntxiv »

Li cas Vanadium yuav pab daws tau peb teeb meem zog

Koj tau hnov ntawm vanadium? Nws yog ib tug hlau feem coob tsis tau hnov ntawm– tsis tau. Vanadium yuav ua si lub luag hauj lwm tseem ceeb nyob rau hauv delivering zog rau peb lub ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv lub xyoo los. Thawj, ho, xav Txog Hawaii, uas tau tshav ntuj ntau tshaj lub xeev. Vim yog nws qhov chaw tej thaj chaw deb, Hawaii lub hluav taws xob cov nqi hluav taws xob ntau tshaj peb zaug… Nyeem ntxiv »

Nyiam lus tseeb txog hlau

Hlau no mas feem ntau khoom paub tias yuav nyuaj, ci iab, khaws txuas, ncaj nraim, thiab luag num. Tsis muaj hluav taws xob thiab thermal conductivity, Hlau no pab tau rau ntau cov ntaub ntawv thiab tsis tau lawv lub ntiaj teb no xwb tsis tau tib yam. Yog koj xav impress koj cov phooj ywg nyob ib tog twg, thiab tsuav yog rau hauv"hlau,"Nov yog ib co lus tseeb… Nyeem ntxiv »

Cov Alloys Yog Dab Tsi? Li cas yog lawv ua?

Alloys muaj nyob rau txhua yam uas, nrog rau qhov uas ntsaws hniav, yuj siab, qhov rooj nraum zoov, ncauj lus qhia, npib, phom, thiab nuclear reactors. Li ntawd, zoo li cas yog alloys thiab zoo li cas yog lawv tau ua? Alloys yog hlau tag nrho nrog lwm yam khoom thiaj li yuav ua rau lawv zoo nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev. Thaum ib txhia neeg xav tias tsam lawv 'alloys' txhais tau tias… Nyeem ntxiv »

Li cas yog metals nyob hauv xwm?

Metals nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb no ntseeg. Nyob ntawm seb koj nyob qhov twg ntawm lub ntiaj chaw, yog hais tias koj tau khawb av rau aluminum, qhwv, koj yuav zaum nrhiav tau lawv. feem ntau, Cov hlau no muaj nyob rau hauv minerals tshwm sim nyob rau hauv pob zeb. Cias muab cias, yog koj khawb av thiab/los yog sau pob zeb, Koj nyob nraum yuav nrhiav… Nyeem ntxiv »

Qhov tseem ceeb ntawm cov hlau nyob rau hauv peb haiv neeg

Koj puas paub metals yog cov nyob ib ncig ntawm peb, thiab tseem heev rau lub neej raws li peb paub nws? Tsis zoo xwb koj lub cev yuav tsum tau hlau xws li zinc thiab tooj liab kom muaj kev lom zem kom zoo, tab sis tsis muaj hlau computers tsis nyob ua ib ke. Koj yuav tsis tau mus xyuas email los yog saib YouTube yeeb yaj duab? Nws yuav ua tau ib tug… Nyeem ntxiv »