Are you looking for the right material to use for fabrication purposes? There will be no shortage of options. You can use everything from plastic to steel for all your fabrication needs. Tiam sis, aluminum sheet metal might very well be your best option. Just take a look at some of the benefits that you’ll enjoy… Nyeem ntxiv »
You probably know that titanium is one of the strongest metals on the market today. Titanium is roughly twice as strong as aluminum is, despite weighing only about 60 percent more than it. It’s also every bit as strong as steel is, despite weighing a lot less than it. But what else do you know… Nyeem ntxiv »
There are a wide range of items you use made from aluminum. From bicycle frames and ladders to mailboxes and window frames to patio furniture and even car rims, you can find aluminum in so many different items. And of course, just about everyone is familiar with the aluminum foil used to wrap up leftovers… Nyeem ntxiv »
First discovered all the way back in the late 1800s, Invar is an alloy that’s made up of 64 percent iron and 36 npib xee. Although it was originally used to create things like thermostats for electric immersion heaters, it plays a key role in an assortment of things today. You’ll find Invar in electric… Nyeem ntxiv »
Muaj ib qhov nyiam tshaj plaws rov qab dab neeg uas tag nrho cov hais uas muaj puas tau sab. Txoj kev rov qab rau thaum ntxov 1730s thaum ntxov, Tus paub txog hu ua John Winthrop nyob ib ore hauv Massachusetts ntawm tag nrho cov chaw thiab xa nws mus hais kom tau nais maum kuaj ntxiv. Tiam sis, it sat untouched for the most part in… Nyeem ntxiv »
If you’ve ever pedaled a bicycle or used a knife to cut up something in the kitchen, you may have benefitted from vanadium. Vanadium is an element that’s often used to create alloys that are both strong and durable. You’ll find traces of vanadium in things like bicycle parts and knives. It’s also commonly used… Nyeem ntxiv »
Tantalum muaj ib lub siab melting ntsiab lus ntawm tag nrho cov hais rau ntiaj teb. Nws melting taw tes sits ntawm kwv yees li 5,462 degrees Fahrenheit, Uas txo nws hwj nws qab xwb tungsten thiab rhenium kom deb li deb melting ntsiab lus yog txhawj xeeb. Tsaug nws siab melting taw tes, it’s often used in everything from capacitors and vacuum furnaces to… Nyeem ntxiv »
Rhenium yog ib tug tsis tshua muaj hlau uas muaj ntau zog uas ua rau nws. Nws feem ntau siv nyob rau hauv cov cav haib thiab plays lub luag hauj lwm tseem ceeb heev nyob rau hauv ntau cov tshuaj tiv thaiv. Koj yuav nrhiav tau rhenium nyob rau hauv ob daim ntawv ntshiab thiab ua ib feem ntawm ntau hnub no lub nrov alloys. It can prove to be beneficial to those working… Nyeem ntxiv »
First discovered way back in 1778, molybdenum is known for being very ductile. It’s also known for being very resistant to corrosion and for having one of the highest melting points of all the pure elements. Only tantalum and tungsten have melting points higher than molybdenum. Tiam sis, that’s not all there is to know about… Nyeem ntxiv »