Aqbeż għall-Kontenut

Tungsten Alloys Supplier

Prodott Ħarsa ġenerali

Liga tat-Tungstenu, High Density Machinable Tungsten Alloy

Eagle Alloys Corporation (EAC) is a leading global supplier of High Density Machinable Tungsten Alloys (W Alloy) fil-fojl, strixxa, folja, pjanċa, wajer, pins, virga, bar, vojt, pajp, tubi, fittings, żennuni, griġjoli kif ukoll partijiet nofshom lesti u lesti, daqsijiet tad-dwana, u gradi tad-dwana. Eagle Alloys can supply various sizes and compositions for immediate shipping or we can supply custom grades, shapes and finished parts with a short lead time. Eagle Alloys can supply alloys ranging from 90% għal 97% Tungsten and contain nickel, copper and or iron binders for applications where high density and machinability are required. We can supply magnetic as well as non-magnetic Tungsten Alloys. Eagle Alloys Corporation can supply raw material or finished parts as well as custom grades to our customer’s specifications.

Jekk Eagle Alloys m'għandux ir-rekwiżit eżatt tiegħek fl-istokk, nistgħu noffru prezzijiet kompetittivi b'ħinijiet qosra.

Eagle Alloys Tungsten Alloy Capabilities

Daqs Tipiku tal-Istokk
Folja / Pjanċa
0.002" Thk
8" Thk
0.020" Thk sa 1" Thk x 8" x 12"
Wajer / Rod / Bar
0.020" Filgħodu
20" Filgħodu
0.125" Dia sa 3" jum x 12" Twila
*Daqsijiet personalizzati fuq talba

Tungsten Alloy Stock Sizes Trasport bl-istess Jum (soġġett għal bejgħ minn qabel)

Trasport bl-istess Jum


  • 0.05mm Thk x 100mm W x 304.8mm Lg
  • 0.002" Thk x 3.937" w x 12" Lg
  • 0.003" Thk x 4"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.004" Thk x 6"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.005" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.010" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.012" Thk x 6"w x 20" Lg
  • 0.012" Thk x 6"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.012" Thk x 8"w x 20" Lg
  • 0.015" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.020" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.025" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.030" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.030" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.040" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.040" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.050" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.050" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.060" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.080" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.100" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.125" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.250" Thk x 6"w x 6" Lg
  • 0.250" Thk x 6"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.250" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.375" Thk x 6"w x 6" Lg
  • 0.375" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.500" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.625" Thk x 6"w x 6" Lg
  • 0.625" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 0.750" Thk x 6"w x 6" Lg
  • 0.750" Thk x 12"w x 12" Lg
  • 1" Thk x 6"w x 12" Lg
  • 1.250" Thk x 6"w x 12" Lg
  • 1.500" Thk x 6"w x 12" Lg
  • 2" Thk x 6"w x 12" Lg

Wajer / Virga / Round Bar

  • 0.00059" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.0008" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.001" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.0015" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.002" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.0025" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.003" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.0035" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.004" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.0045" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.005" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.007" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.2mm Dia rukkell
  • 0.010" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.015" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.020" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.025" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.030" Dia x coil
  • 0.040" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.050" Dia x rukkell
  • 0.060" Dia x coil
  • 0.062" jum x 72" Lg
  • 0.080" Dia x 50' coil
  • 0.125" jum x 72" Lg
  • 0.188" jum x 72" Lg
  • 0.250" jum x 72" Lg
  • 0.375" jum x 72" Lg
  • 0.500" jum x 72" Lg
  • 0.5625" jum x 12" Lg
  • 0.625" jum x 72" Lg
  • 0.750" jum x 72" Lg
  • 0.875" jum x 72" Lg
  • 1" jum x 72" Lg
  • 1.250" jum x 12" Lg
  • 1.500" jum x 12" Lg
  • 1.750" jum x 12" Lg
  • 2" jum x 12" Lg
  • 3" jum x 12" Lg
Liga tat-Tungstenu

Tungsten has the highest melting point of the refractory metals, high density, and low coefficient of thermal expansion. It offers exceptionally high strength and good electrical resistivity at very high temperatures. Unalloyed Tungsten is very difficult to machine and fabricate. Eagle Alloys can furnish finished parts in this material in relatively quick turnaround times. We can also supply 1%, 1.5%, 2% Lanthanated, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% Thoriated Tungsten and Tungsten Rhenium Alloys.

Many applications of Tungsten are based on its high melting point and density and its low vapor pressure. Tungsten is an excellent material for high vacuum technology, dimensional stability, glass seals and furnace construction. Barra minn hekk, Tungsten’s high density gives it a capacity to absorb radioactive radiation. Tungsten has found wide use as additives to steel to enhance physical properties and an alloy with nickel, copper and iron to provide high density machinable materials.

Tungsten has long been used for filaments in the lamp industry. It offers exceptionally high strength at very high temperatures. Tungsten has the best high temperature strength of the four common refractory metals. Its high temperature strength, combined with its good electrical resistivity, have made it a popular choice for many applications. Tungsten is used for heating elements in vacuum furnaces that exceed the temperatures of molybdenum and tantalum as well as other heater applications.

Id-dejta ta’ hawn fuq hija għal skopijiet ta’ informazzjoni biss. Eagle Alloys mhix responsabbli għall-eżattezza ta 'dawn il-kontenut jew applikazzjonijiet.
Tpinġijiet tal-partijiet lesti jistgħu jintbagħtu lil parti terza għall-esternalizzazzjoni.

Proprjetajiet & Applikazzjonijiet

Tungsten Alloy Typical Applications

Tungsten Alloy Specifications (fuq talba)

Eagle Alloys provvisti lir-RDK Kunflitt Ħieles materjal biss, EAC only sources our Tungsten from Level 1 funderiji.

Liga tat-Tungstenu Gradi Standard

W Content, nom. (Wt%)
Binder Elements
Fil + Cu or Ni + Fe
Density Gms/cc
17 nom. (16.85-17.30)
Density Lbs./cu in.
Qawwa tat-tensjoni Ultimate
94ksi / 648Mpa min.
Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
75ksi / 517Mpa min.
Titwil % min.
2% min.
Ebusija (HRC) max. Unworked (As Sintered or Annealed)
32 max
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion x 10^-6/◦C
Magnetic Properties
Klassi 1
Klassi 1
Klassi 1
AMS 7725E
Klassi 1 Tip 1
W Content nom. (Wt%)
Binder Elements
Fil + Fe
Density Gms/cc
17 nom. (16.85-17.30)
Density Lbs./cu in.
Qawwa tat-tensjoni Ultimate
110ksi / 758Mpa min.
Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
75ksi / 517Mpa min.
Titwil % min.
5% min.
Ebusija (HRC) max. Unworked (As Sintered or Annealed)
32 max
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion x 10^-6/◦C
Magnetic Properties
Klassi 1
Klassi 1
Klassi 1
AMS 7725E
Klassi 1 Tip 2
W Content, nom. (Wt%)
Binder Elements
Fil + Cu or Ni + Fe
Density Gms/cc
17.5 nom. (17.15-17.85)
Density Lbs./cu in.
Qawwa tat-tensjoni Ultimate
94ksi / 648Mpa min.
Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
75ksi / 517Mpa min.
Titwil % min.
2% min.
Ebusija (HRC) max. Unworked (As Sintered or Annealed)
33 max
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion x 10^-6/◦C
Magnetic Properties
Klassi 1
Klassi 1
Klassi 1
AMS 7725E
Klassi 1 Tip 1
W Content, nom. (Wt%)
Binder Elements
Fil + Fe
Density Gms/cc
17.5 nom. (17.15-17.85)
Density Lbs./cu in.
Qawwa tat-tensjoni Ultimate
110ksi / 758Mpa min.
Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
75ksi / 517Mpa min.
Titwil % min.
5% min
Ebusija (HRC) max. Unworked (As Sintered or Annealed)
33 max
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion x 10^-6/◦C
Magnetic Properties
Klassi 2
Klassi 2
Klassi 2
AMS 7725E
Klassi 2 Tip 2
W Content, nom. (Wt%)
Binder Elements
Fil + Fe +Mo
Density Gms/cc
17.7 nom.
Density Lbs./cu in.
Qawwa tat-tensjoni Ultimate
Produced to Customer's Specifications
Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
Produced to Customer's Specifications
Titwil % min.
Produced to Customer's Specifications
Ebusija (HRC) max. Unworked (As Sintered or Annealed)
Produced to Customer's Specifications
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion x 10^-6/◦C
Magnetic Properties
AMS 7725E
W Content, nom. (Wt%)
Binder Elements
Fil + Cu or Ni + Fe
Density Gms/cc
18 nom. (17.75-18.35)
Density Lbs./cu in.
Qawwa tat-tensjoni Ultimate
94ksi / 648Mpa min.
Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
75ksi / 517Mpa min.
Titwil % min.
1% min.
Ebusija (HRC) max. Unworked (As Sintered or Annealed)
34 max
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion x 10^-6/◦C
Magnetic Properties
Klassi 3
Klassi 3
Klassi 3
AMS 7725E
Klassi 3 Tip 1
W Content, nom. (Wt%)
Binder Elements
Fil + Fe
Density Gms/cc
18 nom. (17.75-18.35)
Density Lbs./cu in.
Qawwa tat-tensjoni Ultimate
105ksi / 724Mpa min.
Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
75ksi / 517Mpa min.
Titwil % min.
Ebusija (HRC) max. Unworked (As Sintered or Annealed)
34 max
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion x 10^-6/◦C
Magnetic Properties
Klassi 3
Klassi 3
Klassi 3
AMS 7725E
Klassi 3 Tip 2
W Content, nom. (Wt%)
Binder Elements
Fil + Fe
Density Gms/cc
18.5 nom. (18.25-18.85)
Density Lbs./cu in.
Qawwa tat-tensjoni Ultimate
100ksi / 689Mpa min.
Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
75ksi / 517Mpa min.
Titwil % min.
Ebusija (HRC) max. Unworked (As Sintered or Annealed)
35 max
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion x 10^-6/◦C
Magnetic Properties
Klassi 4
Klassi 4
Klassi 4
AMS 7725E
Klassi 4 Tip 2

Komuni Applikazzjonijiet għall-Industrija

DIKJARAZZJONI TAR - RESPONSABBILTÀ - DISCLAIMER Kull suġġeriment ta 'applikazzjonijiet jew riżultati tal-prodott jingħata mingħajr rappreżentazzjoni jew garanzija, jew espress jew implikat. Mingħajr eċċezzjoni jew limitazzjoni, m'hemm l-ebda garanzija ta 'kummerċjabilità jew ta' saħħa għal skop partikolari jew applikazzjoni. L-utent għandu jevalwa bis-sħiħ kull proċess u applikazzjoni fl-aspetti kollha, inkluża l-adegwatezza, il-konformità mal-liġi applikabbli u n-nuqqas ta 'ksur tad-drittijiet ta' oħrajn Eagle Alloys Corporation u l-affiljati tagħha m'għandux ikollhom responsabbiltà fir-rigward tagħha.


Ikkuntattja Eagle Alloys

Bla Ħlas: 800.237.9012
Lokali: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456


Kwartieri Ġenerali tal-Kumpanija:
178 West Park Court
Talbott, TN 37877

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