Steel casting is a type of casting used when cast irons can’t deliver enough strength or shock resistance. Carbon steels and alloy steels are the two general categories of steel casting. What are some benefits of steel casting? When you have a choice of alloys to use, steel casting allows for great design flexibility so… Aqra iktar »
Alloy Steel vs. Azzar tal-Karbonju: Gwida
Allura, issib ruħek tqabbel materjali għall-kumpanija tiegħek u tara żewġ għażliet: liga u azzar tal-karbonju. Id-differenza tista 'tkun minuskula, iżda jista 'jagħmel impatt kbir. Tassew m'hemm l-ebda mod tajjeb jew ħażin biex tmur fil-liga vs. carbon steel but knowing the differences can prepare you to make the best… Aqra iktar »
How to Protect Aluminum From Corrosion
Aluminum is all around us! It’s in cars, airplanes, roofs, transformers, conductors, nuts, bolts, and kitchen appliances. Aluminum accounts for about 8% of all elements in our planet’s crust– it’s ubiquitous. And people love using it… it’s strong, low weight, ductility and rust resistance is awesome. Does it sound like it’s almost perfect? Kind of–… Aqra iktar »
Tungsten Has Become a Vital Industrial Metal
Eagle Alloys deals with pure tungsten, copper tungsten, and tungsten alloy. Available in foil, strixxa, folja, pjanċa, wajer, pins, virga, bar, vojt, pajp, tubi, fittings, żennuni, and crucibles as well as semi-finished and finished parts, tungsten from Eagle Alloys comes in custom sizes and grades. Tungsten Has Many Uses Tungsten is a vital industrial metal…. Aqra iktar »
Common Uses for Industrial Copper
How much do you know about copper? Here are some basics: it’s electrically conductive, malleabbli, and corrosion-resistant. It’s used in several industries, including manufacturing and construction, in things such as circuit boards and roofing sheets. Copper can often be found in the form of blanks, flats, bars, plates and sheet stock. It can be used… Aqra iktar »
What Are the Most Common Construction Metals?
If you were to visit a construction site and ask what materials they most often used, what would you find there? Tipikament, the most common construction materials include carbon steel, aluminju, copper tubing and stainless steel. These materials are commonly found in buildings all around the world. They’re used in all sorts of applications, inkluż… Aqra iktar »
Kif Issib il-Fabbrikant tal-Metall Industrijali Dritt
For several decades now, Eagle Alloys has been supplying a wide variety of top-quality materials including industrial metals to leading companies in many industries. How can you find “the right” industrial metal fabricator? Ukoll, for starters, you can call Eagle Alloys at 800-237-9012 to discuss your needs and see if it’s a good fit… but… Aqra iktar »
X'Għandek Taf Dwar ir-Renju?
Eagle Alloys Corporation is a leading global supplier of commercially pure Rhenium (Ri), Ligi tal-Molibdenu-Rhenium (Mon-Re), u Tungstenu-Rhenium Alloys (W-Re) fil-fojl, żigarella, strixxa, folja, pjanċa, wajer, virga, bar, trab, gerbub, vojt, pajp, tubi, elettrodi, kif ukoll partijiet nofshom lesti u lesti, daqsijiet tad-dwana, u gradi tad-dwana. Ligi tal-Ajkla, an ISO certified corporation, has been… Aqra iktar »
L-Istorja tat-Tungstenu
Eagle Alloys huwa fornitur ewlieni globali ta 'tungstenu kummerċjalment pur, kif ukoll liga tat-tungstenu li tista 'tinħadem b'densità għolja u ligi tat-tungstenu tar-ram. Eagle Alloys hija korporazzjoni ISO ċertifikata u ilha tforni metalli ta 'l-ogħla kwalità għal aktar 35 snin. Skoperta Allura x'inhuma xi fatti storiċi dwar it-tungstenu? Huwa element li… Aqra iktar »
Affarijiet li Tinjora Rigward Metalli Industrijali
Okay, mela smajt xi affarijiet dwar metalli industrijali. Imma liema affarijiet huma veri u liema affarijiet huma foloz / miti? Spejjeż Il-metalli jiswew aktar għall-manifattura minn materjali oħra? Mhux dawn il-jiem. Grazzi għat-teknoloġija tal-manifattura tal-lum, il-manifattura tal-metall hija aktar affordabbli grazzi għal affarijiet bħall-awtomazzjoni u l-avvanzi fil-makkinarju tal-għodda. Huma l-eħfef… Aqra iktar »