Tīpoka ki te Ihirangi


Hua Tirohanga

Zirconium (Zr), Unalloyed Zirconium, Zirconium 702/704/705, Reactor Grade Zirconium, Zirconium-Tin Alloy, R60704, R60802 and RO60804, Zirconium Niobium Alloy RO705, R60901 and RO60904, Zircaloy 2, Zircaloy 4, Zircadyne®

Eagle Alloys Corporation (EAC) is a leading global supplier of unalloyed Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys in foil, Unuhia, pepa, pereti, waea, tokotoko, pae, pātea, paipa, ngongo, taputapu, rīwai tae atu ki ngā wāhanga kua oti, kua oti hoki, rahi ritenga, me nga tohu ritenga. Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and has been supplying the highest quality Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys for over 35 tau. He maha nga momo rahi e waatea ana mai i nga taonga me nga kaipuke o te ra ano ranei. Mena karekau a Eagle Alloys i a koe nga whakaritenga tika i roto i nga taonga, Ka taea e matou te tuku utu whakataetae me nga wa poto.

Eagle Alloys Zirconium Capabilities

Awhe Rahinga
Rahi Max
Rahi Rawa Rawa
Rau / Unuhia / Pereti
0.001" Thk ki 4" Thk
60" te whanui nui, 200" roa teitei
12"w x 12"lg & 12"w x 24"lg
Wire /Rod /Bar
0.003" Dia ki 8" Morena
20ft roa
72" roa
0.039" MAI i tena 6.5" MAI, 0.008" ki 0.630" pakitara
20ft roa
36"lg, 40"lg, 60"lg, 72" lg
*Rahi ritenga i runga i te tono

Zirconium Stock Sizes Te Tukunga Mai i Te Ra (i raro i te hokonga o mua)

Te Tukunga Mai i Te Ra


  • 0.004" Thk x 12"w x 200' Lg Coil
  • 0.010" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.020" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.025" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.030" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.040" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.050" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.060" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.063" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.080" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.080" Thk x 8"w x 32" Lg
  • 0.100" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.125" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.250" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg
  • 0.500" Thk x 12"w x 24" Lg

Pae Waea/Rau/Ataka

  • 0.127mm Dia x 5m coil
  • 0.22mm Dia x 50' coil
  • 0.5mm Dia x 50' coil
  • 0.030" Dia x 50' coil
  • 1.0mm Dia x 50' coil
  • 1.2mm Dia x 50' coil
  • 0.0625" Dia x 50' coil
  • 0.188" ra x 72" Lg
  • 0.250" ra x 72" Lg
  • 0.3125" ra x 72" Lg
  • 0.375" ra x 72" Lg
  • 0.500" ra x 72" Lg
  • 0.625" ra x 72" Lg
  • 0.750" ra x 72" Lg
  • 1" ra x 72" Lg
  • 1.250" ra x 72" Lg
  • 1.500" ra x 24" Lg
  • 2" ra x 24" Lg


  • 0.250" OD x 0.035"pakitara x 60" Lg
  • 0.375" OD x 0.035"pakitara x 60" Lg
  • 11mm OD x 0.78mmWall x 800mm Lg
  • 0.500" OD x 0.065"pakitara x 60" Lg
  • 0.750" OD x 0.049"pakitara x 60" Lg
  • 0.750" OD x 0.065"pakitara x 60" Lg
  • 21.3mm OD x 2.11mmWall x 1,000mm Lg
  • 0.840" OD x 0.109"pakitara x 39.37" Lg
  • 1" OD x 0.049"pakitara x 60" Lg
  • 1" OD x 0.065"pakitara x 60" Lg
  • 2" OD x 0.049"pakitara x 60" Lg

About Zirconium Metal (Zr) and Zirconium Alloys

Zirconium (Zr) is a highly corrosion resistant metal that is us used for many products for specialized chemical environments (primarily acetic and hydrochloric acids). Some include pumps, vaolo, tono karihi, tukatuka matū, waka reactor, kaiwhakawhiti wera me te maha atu. The nuclear power industry uses nearly 90% o te zirconium i hangaia i ia tau. Zirconium is also used as an alloying agent in steel, to make some types of surgical equipment and as a getter, a material that combines with and removes trace gases form vacuum tubes. Zirconium metal is weldable and formable.

Zirconium 702 offers excellent corrosion protection with resistance to stress-corrosion cracking and crevice corrosion. It’s often used for chemical processing. Alloyed with 2 ki 3 percent Columbium, zirconium 705 is significantly stronger and more ductile than zirconium 702 with almost equal corrosion resistance, making it the alloy of choice for most zirconium fasteners. In addition to resisting HCl at all concentrations and at temperatures above the boiling temperature, zirconium and its alloys also have excellent resistance in sulfuric acid at temperatures above boiling and concentrations to 70%. Corrosion rate in nitric acid is less than 1 mil/year at temperatures above boiling and concentrations to 90%. The metals also resist most organics such as acetic acid and acetic anhydride as well as citric, lactic, tartaric, oxalic, tannic, and chlorinated organic acids. He iti nei nga konganuku haunga te zirconium ka taea te whakamahi i nga waahanga matū e hiahia ana kia whakapiri atu ki nga waikawa kaha me nga kawakore. Heoi, Kaore he aukati a te zirconium i te waikawa hydrofluoriki a he tere te whakaekehia, ahakoa i nga kukū iti rawa. Kei kona 4 momo o te waikura aukati i te zirconium whakauru i te umanga matū: Zr702, Zr704, Zr705 me te Zr706, te tono ki nga momo rauemi me nga tikanga matū. Ko enei awangawanga e wha o te koranu zirconium ka rite te ahua, engari he tino rereke o raatau miihini. Ko te kaha kaha o te Zr705 ko te rua o te Zr702. I te nuinga o te wa ka whakamahia te Zr705 ki nga taputapu matū he nui ake nga whakaritenga mo te kaha. Engari i te waikawa sulfuric kei roto te FeCl3, Ko nga Zr702 me te Zr704 nga waikura aukati he pai ake i te Zr705 me te Zr706. He nui te kaha o te Zr706 me te roa o tona kaha, ka whakamahia hoki ki te mahi wera wera.

Zirconium is also highly resistant to heat and corrosion, and it also forms many useful compounds and alloys. These strengths make it an ideal component for nuclear reactions, and it is also used in laboratory equipment, metallurgy and surgical appliances. Jet engines and gas turbines may also use zirconium and zirconium alloys to prevent metals from warping due to high heat exposure. Zirconium (tohu ngota: Zr, tau ngota: 40) he Poraka D, Rōpū 4, Wā 5 huānga me te taumaha ngota o 91.224. Zirconium Bohr ModelThe number of electrons in each of Zirconium’s shells is 2, 8, 18, 10, 2 and its electron configuration is [Kr] 4d2 5s2. The zirconium atom has a radius of 160 pm and a Van der Waals radius of 186 pm. Zirconium was discovered by Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1789 and first isolated by Jöns Jakob Berzelius in 1824. In its elemental form, zirconium has a silvery white appearance that is similar to titanium.

Zirconium’s principal mineral is zircon (zirconium silicate). Elemental Zirconium is commercially produced as a byproduct of titanium and tin mining and has many applications as a opacifier and a refractory material. It is not found in nature as a free element. The name of zirconium comes from the mineral zircon, the most important source of zirconium, and from the Persian wordzargun, meaning gold-like.

Nga Taonga & Nga tono

Zirconium Typical Applications

Zirconium Specifications (i runga i tono)

Zirconium Nominal Composition

ZR702 / ZR705
UNS Designation:
R60702 / R60705
Zirconium + Hafnium min:
99.2 / 95.5
Hafnium max:
4.5 / 4.5
Iron & Chromium, mōrahi:
0.20 / 0.20
- / -
Hydrogen, mōrahi:
0.005 / 0.005
Nitrogen, mōrahi:
0.025 / 0.025
Carbon, mōrahi:
0.05 / 0.05
- / 2.0-3.0
0.16 / 0.18

Zirconium Physical Properties

Thermal Properties
ZR702 / ZR705
Iwi Whakarewa:
1852ºC / 1840ºC
Wera motuhake - KJ/Kg-K: (0-100ºC)
0.2847 / 0.2805
Vapor Pressure
0.01 / -
900 / -
Te Whakawhitinga Ngawha: (300-800K)
22 (13) / 17.1 (10)
Whakarea o te Roha Ngawha:
5.8 (3.2) / 3.6 (2.0)
6.3 (3.5) / 4.9 (2.7)
7.0 (3.9) / 5.6 (3.1)
7.4 (4.1) / 5.9 (3.3)
Latent Heat of Fusion: (Cal/gm)
60.4 / -
Latent Heat of Vaporization: (Cal/gm)
1550 / -

Zirconium Paerewa Paerewa

ZR702 / UNS: R60702
Zirconium + Hafnium, min
Hafnium, mōrahi
Hinu + Chromium
0.2 mōrahi
Hydrogen, mōrahi
Nitrogen, mōrahi
Carbon, mōrahi
Oxygen, mōrahi
ZR704 / UNS: R60704
Zirconium + Hafnium, min
Hafnium, mōrahi
Hinu + Chromium
0.2 ki 0.4
1.0 ki 2.0
Hydrogen, mōrahi
Nitrogen, mōrahi
Carbon, mōrahi
Oxygen, mōrahi
ZR705 / UNS: R60705
Zirconium + Hafnium, min
Hafnium, mōrahi
Hinu + Chromium
0.2 mōrahi
Hydrogen, mōrahi
Nitrogen, mōrahi
Carbon, mōrahi
2.0 ki 3.0
Oxygen, mōrahi

Momo Nga Tono Ahumahi

Tuhinga o mua - PANUITANGA Ko nga whakaaro mo nga tono hua me nga hua ka hoatu ma te kore he tohu, he tiwhikete ranei, mā te whakaputa ranei e whakahuatia ranei. Kaore he rereke, he taapiri ranei, kaore he tohu o te tauhokohoko, o te tinana ranei mo tetahi kaupapa, tono ranei. Me arotake e te kaiwhakamahi nga mahinga me nga waahanga katoa i roto i nga waahanga katoa, tae atu ki te tika, te taunga ki te ture whaitake me te kore e takahi i nga tika o etahi atu Eagle Alloys Corporation me ona hononga kaore he nama ki a ia.


Whakapa atu ki nga Koha Eagle

Koreutu Koreutu: 800.237.9012
Paetata: 423.586.8738
Waeatuhi: 423.586.7456

Imeera: sales@eaglealloys.com

Tari Matua o te Kamupene:
178 Kooti Kooti Poti
Talbott, TN 37877

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