Tīpoka ki te Ihirangi


Hua Tirohanga

Hafnium (Hf), 99.5%HF (2n5), 99.9%Hf (3N)

Eagle Alloys Corporation (EAC) is a leading global supplier of Hafnium (Hf) i roto i te konumohe, Unuhia, pepa, pereti, discs, waea, tokotoko, pae, pātea, paipa, ngongo, taputapu, whariki, sputtering targets as well as semi-finished and finished parts, rahi ritenga, me nga tohu ritenga. Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and has been supplying the highest quality Hafnium for over 35 tau. If Eagle Alloys can offer custom made Hafnium products at competitive pricing with short lead times.

Eagle Alloys Hafnium Capabilities

Awhe Rahinga
Rahi Max
Parani / Rau / Unuhia / Pereti:
0.001" Thk ki runga ki 4" Thk
24" te whanui nui, 60" roa teitei
Waea / Rod / Pae Rauna:
0.003" Dia tae atu ki 10" Morena
20ft length *Wire avail in coils or spools
0.250" OD tae noa ki 5" MAI; 0.020-0.800" Taiepa
8 ft. roa teitei
*Rahi ritenga i runga i te tono

About Pure Hafnium Metal (Hf) and Hafnium Alloys

Hafnium is a lustrous, silvery, ductile metal generally similar to zirconium. Good corrosion resistance and high strength. Ka atete ki te waikura na te hanga o te uaua, kiriata waikura e kore e taea te uru ki runga i tona mata. The metal is unaffected by alkalis and acids, hāunga te waikawa pūhāhā. Ko te Hafnium he uaua ki te wehe i te ahua o te zirconium, na te mea he ngota te rahi o nga huānga e rua. Ko te Hafnium me ona koranu e whakamahia ana mo nga rakau whakahaere i roto i nga reactors karihi me nga waka moana karihi na te mea he pai te hafnium ki te ngongo i nga neutrons he tino teitei te reactor me te aukati i te waikura.. Kei te whakamahia i roto i te koranu teitei-te wera me te uku, i te mea ko etahi o ona puhui he tino whakakeke: e kore e rewa engari i raro i te tino werawera.

Hafnium (tohu ngota: Hf, tau ngota: 72) he Poraka D, Rōpū 4, Wā 6 huānga me te taumaha ngota o 178.49. The number of electrons in each of Hafnium’s shells is 2, 8, 18, 32, 10, 2 and its electron configuration is [Xe] 4f14 5d2 6s2. The hafnium atom has a radius of 159 pm and a Van der Waals radius of 212 pm. Hafnium was predicted by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869 but it was not until 1922 that it was first isolated Dirk Coster and George de Hevesy.

In its elemental form, hafnium has a lustrous silvery-gray appearance. Hafnium does not exist as a free element in nature. It is found in zirconium compounds such as zircon. Hafnium is often a component of superalloys and circuits used in semiconductor device fabrication. Its name is derived from the Latin word Hafnia, meaning Copenhagen, where it was discovered. Kei runga ake nei nga korero mo nga korero noa iho. Kaore e tika te kawenga a te Eagle Alloys mo te tika o enei tuhinga, tono ranei. Ko nga tuhinga waahanga kua oti ka tukuna pea ki tetahi atu tuatoru mo te tuku ki waho.

Nga Taonga & Nga tono

Hafnium Typical Applications

Hafnium Specifications (i runga i tono)

Ka tukuna e te Eagle Alloys a DRC Papau Kore rauemi anake.

Hafnium Physical Properties

Tau ngota:
Taumaha ngota:
13.31 gm/cc
Iwi Whakarewa:
2227° C
4602° C
Te Whakawhitinga Ngawha:
.230 W/cm/°K @298.2°K
Te Atete Hiko:
35.1 microhm-cm @ 25°C
1.3 Paulings
Wera motuhake:
.035 Cal/g/°K @ 25°C
Heat of Vaporization:
155 K-Cal/gm atom at 4602°C
Heat of Fusion:
6.0 Cal/gm mole
Thermal Neutron Cross Section:
115 Barns

Momo Nga Tono Ahumahi

Tuhinga o mua - PANUITANGA Ko nga whakaaro mo nga tono hua me nga hua ka hoatu ma te kore he tohu, he tiwhikete ranei, mā te whakaputa ranei e whakahuatia ranei. Kaore he rereke, he taapiri ranei, kaore he tohu o te tauhokohoko, o te tinana ranei mo tetahi kaupapa, tono ranei. Me arotake e te kaiwhakamahi nga mahinga me nga waahanga katoa i roto i nga waahanga katoa, tae atu ki te tika, te taunga ki te ture whaitake me te kore e takahi i nga tika o etahi atu Eagle Alloys Corporation me ona hononga kaore he nama ki a ia.


Whakapa atu ki nga Koha Eagle

Koreutu Koreutu: 800.237.9012
Paetata: 423.586.8738
Waeatuhi: 423.586.7456

Imeera: sales@eaglealloys.com

Tari Matua o te Kamupene:
178 Kooti Kooti Poti
Talbott, TN 37877

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