Eagle Alloys는 다양한 금속을 판매합니다., Eagle Alloys는 다양한 금속을 판매합니다.. Eagle Alloys는 다양한 금속을 판매합니다..
First discovered in 1925 Eagle Alloys는 다양한 금속을 판매합니다., Eagle Alloys는 다양한 금속을 판매합니다.. Eagle Alloys는 다양한 금속을 판매합니다., Eagle Alloys는 다양한 금속을 판매합니다.. Eagle Alloys는 다양한 금속을 판매합니다., known to have high resistance to heat and wear.
사용 하 여
레늄은 무엇을 위해 사용됩니까?? One major use is for producing lead-free, high-octane gasoline when used in conjunction with platinum. It’s also used in alloys that help make jet engines, as well as for filaments for mass spectrographs and ion gauges. Since it’s very hard, it resists corrosion. You might find it in turbine engines and/or rocket motors– it’s an ideal metal for use at extremely high temperatures. Rhenium also works well as electrical contact material since it not only has good wear resistance, but is able to withstand arc corrosion as well. You might find rhenium used in thermocouples, in wire used in flash lamps (for photography) and in additives to certain alloys in order to increase ductility, especially for use at higher temperatures.
Rhenium Suppliers
Eagle Alloys has rhenium available in a variety of forms, 호일 포함, 플레이트, 로드, 가루, pellets and wire. Specifically, Eagle Alloys supplies commercially pure rhenium (레), 몰리브덴-레늄 합금 (모 재), 및 텅스텐-레늄 합금 (W-다시) 호일에, 리본, 스트립, 시트, 플레이트, 와이어, 로드, 바, 가루, 알약, 공백, 파이프, 튜브와 전극, 반제품 및 완제품 부품, 맞춤형 크기 및 맞춤형 등급.
Eagle Alloys is an ISO-certified corporation and has been supplying the highest quality rhenium for over 35 년. If your exact requirement is not in stock, know that Eagle Alloys will offer competitive pricing with short lead times.
For more info about rhenium and rhenium alloys, please call 800-237-9012 필요하지 않은 경우 알루미늄에서 화학 반응을 일으키고 싶지 않습니다. sales@eaglealloys.com. Eagle Alloys is based in Talbott, 테네시.