이 글 합금 공사 (Eac) 상업적으로 순수한 레늄을 공급하는 선도적인 글로벌 공급업체입니다. (레), 몰리브덴-레늄 합금 (모 재) 및 텅스텐-레늄 합금 (W-다시) 호일에, 리본, 스트립, 시트, 플레이트, 와이어, 로드, 바, 가루, 알약, 공백, 파이프, 튜브와 전극, 반제품 및 완제품 부품, 맞춤형 크기 및 맞춤형 등급.
레늄은 무엇을 위해 사용됩니까??
레 늄, element 75 on the periodic table and the last of the natural elements to be discovered, is used in commercial form for various purposes. It can be found in filaments for mass spectrographs as well as in ion gauges. Thanks to its good wear resistance and ability to withstand arc corrosion, rhenium can also be used as electrical contact material. Other practical uses include thermocouples as well as wire used in flash lamps (for photography). Looking to increase ductility at higher temperatures?
Add it to tungsten and/or molybdenum alloys. Dealing with the hydrogenation of fine chemicals and/or the disproportionation of alkenes? Rhenium catalysts are used for those processes because of its high resistance to poisoning from nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus.
Many jet engines utilize rhenium alloys, 그리고, 사실로, the element is used in high-temperature superalloys for parts of military jet engines. Missiles may use rhenium in parts designed to function as heat insulation screens. Other uses include vacuum technology, electronic devices, 그리고, perhaps one of the most important in our car-obsessed culture: the production of lead-free, high-octane gasoline. As a petrochemical catalyst, rhenium can help produce aromatic hydrocarbon chemical raw materials such as benzene and xylene.
마지막으로, because of its high melting point as well as its resistance to corrosion and abrasion, rhenium may be used as a coating for things such as wires or pipes– especially for the maritime and chemical sectors.
Are you looking to buy rhenium? Eagle Alloys sells it in various forms; contact us with any questions.