산업용 금속 제조 신화

금속 제조 산업은 항공우주, 엔지니어링 등 다른 여러 분야에 매우 중요합니다., 하지만 종종 오해를 받습니다. 금속 제조에 관한 전형적인 신화는 무엇입니까??

Low Tech

우선, 어떤 사람들은 금속 제조업이 기술 수준이 낮거나 어떤 면에서 시대에 뒤떨어져 있다고 생각합니다.. 그건 사실이 아니야. The industry is actually advanced and utilizing cutting-edge technology these days. Today’s modern machinery might include, 예를 들어, CNCs– computer numerical control machines. Just like most of the world has gone “digital,” metal machinery has as well. The industry isn’t afraid of using technology and/or computers to meet its needs.

Bad for Environment

What about the idea that metal manufacturing harms the environment? Maybe in the past, but today’s processes reduce environmental impact. Thanks to sustainable practices and the use of renewable energy resources, the industry doesn’t pollute like it used to… and things like recycling and energy-efficient machinery have made quite a positive difference. You don’t see the dirty smokestacks around cities like you used to– at least not in the U.S.

All the Same and Inefficient

Are all metals essentially the same? Nope– that’s a myth. Metals are unique and have different characteristics as well as applications.

What about the idea that grinding is slow and inefficient? 미안해요, that’s not true. 확실히, it’s slower than milling or turning, but it’s not “that slow!” It’s actually quite precise and offers a superior surface finish quality.

Can you think of any other metal manufacturing myths? There are probably more! 그 말, if you have questions about metals, 합금, 기타, Eagle Alloys에 전화해 주세요. 800-237-9012 필요하지 않은 경우 알루미늄에서 화학 반응을 일으키고 싶지 않습니다. sales@eaglealloys.com. Eagle Alloys는 산업용 금속 공급업체입니다. offering custom parts, inventory management, delivery/fulfillment, distribution and other services. With competitive pricing and quality metals, you can count on Eagle Alloys to deliver what you want and what you need.