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Aplikasi Industri Semikonduktor

Your Metal Alloy Suppliers For The Semiconductor Industry

Without the semiconductor industry, modern life as we know it would not be nearly as safe, secure and comfortable it is today. Afterall, the semiconductor industry is a vital aspect of our national and global economy and impacts nearly all other industry sectors.

If you’re searching for a dependable alloy supplier for the semiconductor industry, the experts at Eagle Alloys Corporation can help you every step of the way. As renowned semiconductor alloy suppliers, we provide all sorts of industrial metals for our clients based on their specs. Check out the different options we offer.

Mesthi wae, those in the semiconductor industry need durable, sturdy and high quality industrial metals that can serve as the go between the conductor and insulator at a certain temperature. Whether you need alloys to be used in circuits, electronics or for other technology, we will provide you with the options you need to ensure you have a great end product.

Eagle Alloys Corporation has served as a metals supplier for the semiconductor industry for nearly 40 taun. We put customer service first and foremost, and ensure our customers only receive the best alloys. Moreover, we will customize it to your specs to meet your exact needs.

If you have any questions or would like to a FREE quote, hubungi kita dina iki.

Jinis Paduan sing Digunakake ing Aplikasi Industri Semikonduktor

Umume Aplikasi Industri Semikonduktor

Silicon Wafer Processing
Target Sputter
Liquid Crystal Display
Silicon Compound
Ion Implants
Electron Beam

Hubungi Paduan Elang

Bebas Tol: 800.237.9012
Lokal: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456


Kantor Pusat Perusahaan:
178 Pengadilan Taman West
Talbott, TN 37877

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