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Laboratorium & Aplikasi Industri Riset

Metal Alloys for Lab Testing and Research Equipment

If your lab is going to perform cutting edge research, it’s essential that you have the right industrial metal suppliers. Eagle Alloys Corporation is a proud partner and supplier of industrial metals to laboratories in various industries. We provide all sorts of laboratory grade alloys, kalebu aluminium. When you need laboratory grade aluminum for foil, rolls and sheets, we will provide you with the exact specs you request. See below for a more expansive list of the metals we supply.

Eagle Alloys Corporation has been a premier supplier of industrial metals since 1982. We work closely with laboratory owners, researchers and developers to provide them with the alloys and materials they need to complete their work. Thanks to our years of experience, expertise and equipment, we can assist you in creating the specs your need for your lab.

Our team is always readily available to help answer any questions you have. Please hubungi kita today to get started or to receive a GRATIS quote based upon your specifications.

Jinis Paduan sing Digunakake ing Laboratory & Research Industry Applications

Umume Laboratory & Research Industry Applications

Shielding Components
Plasma Facing Armor
Tabung X-Ray

Hubungi Paduan Elang

Bebas Tol: 800.237.9012
Lokal: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456


Kantor Pusat Perusahaan:
178 Pengadilan Taman West
Talbott, TN 37877

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