建設現場を訪れて、彼らが最も頻繁に使用した材料を尋ねる場合, そこに何がありますか? 通常, 最も一般的な建設資材には炭素鋼が含まれます, アルミ, 銅管とステンレス鋼. これらの材料は、世界中の建物で一般的に見られます. あらゆる種類のアプリケーションで使用されています, including some small ones as well as large ones.
What are most beams for structural framework made from? Carbon steel is used thanks to its hardness and strength. You can also find carbon steel used in bridges, trailer beds, welded frames, and plates for highway construction. Carbon steel combines carbon and iron together.
How about aluminum? Thanks to its resistance to corrosion, aluminum stands up well to harsh weather. It’s also conductive and ductile. Street signs, street lights, windows, and doors are oftentimes made of aluminum. Many vehicles including boats, bikes, cars and trucks use aluminum, あまりにも. EagleAlloysはアルミニウムを販売しています, 含む 4047 aluminum alloy and 4032 aluminum alloy in castings, 鍛造 品, ビレット, 箔, フィン, コイル, リボン, ストリップ, シート, プレート, ワイヤ, 棒, バー, チューブ, リング, blanks and custom sizes. For an aluminum overview, check here.
Copper Tubing
When buildings need good pipes, they utilize copper tubing which is easily soldered and able to form lasting bonds. もちろん, you could have plastic pipes, but copper ones are higher quality.
Stainless steel, which is both corrosion and stain resistant, is actually an alloy of several metals. Ductile and easily welded, you’ll find stainless steel used in roofing, handrails and drainage components. And a lot of people love stainless steel appliances.
These are just some of the most common metals used in construction. Do you want more info? Call Eagle Alloys of Talbott, テネシー州, で 800-237-9012, Eagle AlloysはISO認定企業であり、最高品質のレニウムを以上に供給してきました。 sales@eaglealloys.com.