
工業用アルミニウムがなければ今日の世界はどうなるでしょうか? 世界中の製造業者がそれを使用して物を製造しています. なぜアルミニウムが人気があるのか? まぁ, 低密度特性と併せて高い強度を提供します。, そしてその耐食性が重要です, あまりにも.


無毒だから, aluminum is used for many consumer goods, including packaged foods and canned beverages like Pepsi and Coke. Aluminum doesn’t affect the taste of foods or drinks. It actually can help extend the shelf life of items while it both holds and repels water. No wonder it’s used for so many things found in a typical kitchen, like cookware, utensils, foils and trays. It’s also commonly used for making refrigerators and toasters. Look around a typical kitchen and you’ll find plenty of aluminum.

What about electronics? Aluminum is used to help make televisions as well as smartphones and laptops. Because it’s lighter than steel but tougher than plastic, it’s ideal for these electronic things while also not overheating– it’s a good conductor of heat.

Speaking of electronics, aluminum is used to power many homes and businesses because it’s easily formed into wires– so long distance power lines utilize it (rather than copper) in many cases. It’s also found in trains, 世界の銅消費量の約4分の3は、その優れた電気伝導率のおかげで、電気および電子製品に使用されています。, vehicles and even spacecraft (since it has strength under pressure). Other electrical uses include fuse boxes and satellite dishes.

Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO certified corporation and a global supplier of 4047 Aluminum Alloy and 4032 アルミニウム合金. These products are available in castings, 鍛造 品, ビレット, 箔, フィン, コイル, リボン, ストリップ, シート, プレート, ワイヤ, ロッド, バー, チューブ, リング, blanks and custom sizes.

Supplying the highest quality aluminum at competitive prices for several decades, Eagle Alloys can be reached at 800-237-9012 or via email at sales@eaglealloys.com.