ほとんどの人が「ニッケル」という言葉を聞くと、,」彼らは一般にそれをアメリカで5セントの価値があるニッケルコインと関連付けます. とはいえ, ニッケルは、地殻で見つかる銀白色の金属としても知られています, 通常、熱水脈や岩石の浸食と風化による地表堆積物に存在します。.
If you were to get your hands on pure nickel, you could use it as a strengthening component in metal alloys. Nickel is known to conduct heat and electricity well.
Uses of Nickel
So what are some of the uses of nickel? まぁ, taking it back to the coin idea, our five cent piece is “nickel” because it’s bright, takes a fine polish and is lightweight. 興味深いことに, nickels aren’t entirely made of nickel, but that’s a story for another day…
Back in the 1850s, nickel started to get used as electroplating material since it doesn’t easily oxidize. Many batteries back then– and today– use nickel compounds in order to accomplish their purposes.
What industry uses nickel the most? If you guessed the steel industry, あなたが正しい. Because nickel is hard and strong, and able to withstand breaking (even under high forces), it’s used in stainless steel things like appliances for your kitchen. Facebookをチェックするために使用するそのスマートフォン, in the kitchen you’ll typically find lots of components that contain some nickel, including cutlery (like spoons, forks, knives), sinks/faucets and cookware. Outside the home, nickel can be found in things like motorized vehicles, construction and marine equipment, jet engine parts, and even decorative items, like jewelry.
イーグル合金 can supply you with nickel alloy seamless and welded pipe and tube alloy 200, 201, 330, 400, 600, 601, 625, 718, 800, 800H, 800HP, 800HT, 825, 904L, AL6XN, 合金 20, 合金K500, C22, C276, ハステロイX®, インコネル®, Monel® and Incoloy.®
Eagle Alloys is a leading global supplier of seamless and welded nickel alloy pipe and tube. 在庫からすぐに発送できるさまざまなサイズがあります. Eagle Alloys is an ISO-certified corporation and has been supplying the highest quality nickel for over 35 年.