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Primjene elektroničke industrije

Supplier of Metal Alloys For Electronics

Could you imagine the modern world without having a phone in your pocket that contains access to near limitless information? The advent of cell phones, računala, gaming systems and other electronic devices have changed the world drastically and will continue to be a major component of everyday life. When we think of electronic devices, we often think of the big manufacturer names who receive all the press for delivering the end product to consumers. Međutim, in order for electronics to ever hit store shelves, they must contain the right elements for safety and user experience reasons.

As such, alloys that are shown to be corrosion resistant are vital aspects of myriad electronic devices and applications. Eagle Alloys Corporation is a longtime seller of alloys for electronic suppliers. Take a look at some of the different industrial metals we provide our partners in the electronics industry.

The nickel and stainless steel alloys we supply are used for all sorts of applications in electronics, especially in smart phones. Značajno, nickel alloys have strong magnetic properties and serve as a great thermal barrier for monitors.

U međuvremenu, stainless steel is corrosion resistant and provides the strength and sturdiness needed to keep modern electronics resilient, making them an ideal option for interior and exterior enclosures.

Eagle Alloys Corporation has been a renowned electronic alloys supplier since 1982, and it’s been fascinating to see the evolution of technology during that timeframe. Naravno, at the root of that evolution is the alloys that make electronics function how we’d like. To learn more or to receive a BESPLATNO quote on alloys for the electronics industry, Kontaktirajte nas.

Vrste legura koje se koriste u Primjene elektroničke industrije

Uobičajen Primjene elektroničke industrije

Električni kontakti
Glass to Metal Sealing
Television Parts
Quantum Computer Chips
High-Entropy Alloys
Mobile Telephones

Kontaktirajte Eagle Alloys

Besplatni: 800.237.9012
Lokalno: 423.586.8738
Faks: 423.586.7456


Sjedište tvrtke:
178 West Park Court
Talbott, TN 37877

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