Have you ever heard of tantalum? Named after a Greek mythological character named Tantalos, tantalum was first discovered in 1802 by Anders Ekeberg. It’s a hard metal. When in its pure form, it can be drawn into fine wire.
Tantalum Guide
Tantalum’s symbol on the periodic table is Ta and its atomic number is 73. It has an atomic weight of 180.94788 and a melting point of 5,462.6 diqiri Fahrenheit. Its boiling point is 9,856.4 diqiri Fahrenheit.
Did you know that tantalum is nearly immune to chemical attacks at temperatures below 302 diqiri Fahrenheit? Its oxide films are stable with good rectifying and dielectric properties.
Occurring naturally in the mineral columbite-tantalite, tantalum is found in certain countries, including Australia, Brazil, Thailand, Portugal, Nigeria and Canada.
How is tantalum used? Io, it’s used in alloys to add strength, ductility and a high melting point. Vakawasoma, it’s used for electrolytic capacitors and vacuum furnace parts. It can also be found in chemical process equipment as well as nuclear reactors. Aircraft and missile parts, surgical appliances and camera lenses are some other uses where tantalum is utilized for its qualities such as being immune to body liquids and offering a high index of refraction for lenses.
Eagle Alloys is a pure tantalum metal and tantalum alloy supplier. Tantalum is available in many forms, okati kina na toti ni toti, pepa, cauravou, peleti, ititoko, idabedabe ni veilewai, kitaka na vakau, bitu ni vakatagi, tubing and more. Eagle Alloys can also supply it in semi-finished or finished parts as well as custom parts. For more information, please call Eagle Alloys at 800-237-9012 se imeli sales@eaglealloys.com.
Eagle Raoys is located at 178 West Park Court in Talbott, Tennessee. A global materials supplier, Eagle Alloys has been in business for many years and has provided many businesses and companies with the alloys they need to succeed!