Lade ki na Lewena

Molybdenum Electrodes Supplier for Welding

Molybdenum Electrodes For Sale

Eagle Alloys Corporation has been a reliable supplier of molybdenum electrodes for nearly 40 yabaki. As an ISO certified corporation, Eagle Alloys has had the privilege of working with businesses in a wide range of industries by providing them with the right industrial metals and electrodes for their operation. Among the many different options we offer are molybdenum electrodes.

These electrodes are used often for TIG welding, isema tuwawa kei na tini, arc welding and TIG welding. Sega ni Matata, we provide electrodes from 0.5 Dia to 50mm Dia, or whatever unique specs our customers need.

Molybdenum Electrodes used for resistance welding.
Typical Grade: 99.95% miniti. Mo

Molybdenum Copper Electrodes has the advantages from both molybdenum and copper: good resistance for high temperature and arc erosion, good electric and thermal conductivity, ivakavakadewa ni kena vakalevutaki katakata, sega ni magnetic, low gas content, and ideal vacuum performance. MoCu is widely used as electrodes of resistance welding and electric spark erosion cutting machines, vacuum switch contact, water-cooled electrode of high temperature furnace, and heat sinks.
Typical Grades: Mo-10Cu, Mo-15Cu, Mo-20Cu, Mo-30Cu, Mo-35Cu, Mo-40Cu, Mo-50Cu, Mo-60Cu.

As a refractory metal, molybdenum is highly conductive and since it does not have an adverse reaction with many acids, making an important component in many welding applications.

The sales team at Eagle Alloys Corporation is happy to help you find the right molybdenum electrodes for your welding needs. We have many repeat customers thanks to our top notch customer service. To learn more about the advantages of choosing Eagle Alloys Corporation to be your molybdenum welding supplier, veitaratara kei keitou.


Veitaratara ena Aloniyau ni Eagle

Sega ni Saumi: 800.237.9012
Noda Vanua: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456


iTikotiko Liu ni Kabani:
178 Mataveilewai ena West Park
Talbott, TN 37877

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