Mitä teollisuusyritysten tulisi tietää alumiinista

Eagle Alloys of Talbott, TN, myy alumiinia 4032 ja 4047. Alumiini on suhteellisen kevyt metalli, jolla on voimakas vastus lämpöä ja korroosiota, Joten sitä käytetään monissa teollisissa sovelluksissa. On helposti muokattavissa hyvällä lämmönjohtavuudella, Alumiini on joustava ja muodostuva sekä kestävä ja vahva - ei ihme, että se on suosittu.

Industrial Aluminum is Used in Many Environments

Industrial aluminum is used in many environments, more so now than ever before. While steel and other metals have volatile prices, aluminum remains at a more steady price, and when companies do a cost-benefit analysis of aluminum they often find it makes sense to utilize it, even if initial material costs may seem a bit high.

Industrial Aluminum Versus Steel

Steel and aluminum often “compete”but aluminum wins because it’s one-third the weight of steel. It can handle load capacity while not being as heavy as a steel alternative would be, so it “wins out” for many projects. Se sanoi, is steel ultimately stronger? Kyllä. As you’d imagine, there are certain projects where steel makes sense, while other projects go with aluminum. Both are strong and durable options.

When heat dissipation or distribution is needed, industrial aluminum is a good choice because it has one of the highest levels of thermal conductivity among common metals. And if you want to avoid cracking, aluminum is quite malleable and can be used for intricate/complex designs– without cracking.

Industrial Aluminum Uses

Tänään, industrial aluminum is utilized for fabrications ranging from chemical etching to digital printing and then some. Brushing and polishing help enhance its look. Many people like the aesthetic appeal of aluminum’s silver/white appearance.

Interested in knowing more about the aluminum Eagle Alloys can supply you with? Ole hyvä ja soita 800-237-9012 piijuottoseos eri muodoissa Aluminum is available foliossa, Strip, Rod, arkki, plate and bar along with some other options if you’re getting Aluminum 4047.