Metal alloys play an indispensable role in aerospace manufacturing. Heitkem pilk metallisulamite olulisele mõjule kosmosetööstuses. The Power of Metal Alloys When it comes to crafting the marvels of modern aviation, metallisulamid valitsevad. Need uskumatud materjalid on kosmosetööstuse selgroog, offering a… Loe rohkem »
Tööstuslikud metallid: Mida peaksid ettevõtted nioobiumi kohta teadma
What do you know about niobium? If you’re like most people, the answer is not much. Kuid, know this: niobium is used in all sorts of things, from hypoallergenic jewelry to superconducting magnets. You’ll even find niobium in some jet engines. Niobium Characteristics Niobium is a shiny, white metal that may turn shades of blue,… Loe rohkem »
Lahedad faktid tööstusliku lehtmetalli kohta
Leonardo da Vinci on tuntud kui itaalia maalikunstnik, kelle maalid on maailmas tuntud isegi sajandeid pärast tema surma. Võib-olla olete näinud tema Mona Lisat või viimast õhtusööki? Miljonitel on, ja imestas tema kunstiloomingut. Siin läheb nüüd huvitavaks. Peale maalimise, da Vinci oli joonistaja, skulptor, arhitekt ja insener. He… Loe rohkem »
Tööstuslike metallide ostmise juhend: Mida peaksite tantaali kohta teadma
Have you ever heard of tantalum? Nime sai kreeka mütoloogilise tegelase Tantalose järgi, tantaal avastati esmakordselt aastal 1802 autor Anders Ekeberg. See on kõva metall. Kui puhtal kujul, selle saab tõmmata peeneks traadiks. Tantalum Guide Tantalum’s symbol on the periodic table is Ta and its atomic number is 73…. Loe rohkem »
Kuidas leida õige alumiiniumitarnija
Kuidas leida õige alumiiniumi tarnija? Enne otsingu alustamist esitage endale mõned küsimused ja mõelge mõnele asjale. Uuring Alustuseks, kas soovite leida alumiiniumi tarnijat, kes pakub piiratud või laia tootevalikut? Olenevalt sellest, mida vajate, võiksite valida tarnija, kes pakub… Loe rohkem »
Nikkelmetallid on tuntud oma mitmekülgsuse poolest
It’s time to talk about nickel. Now if you’re like most people, you just think of “nickels,” aka 5 cent pieces we use for money. But there’s nickel, element number 28 on the periodic table, with an atomic mass of 58.69. Nickel is used in a variety of ways– you’ll find it all around you… Loe rohkem »
Levinud terasemüütide esiletõstmine
Steel is all around us but there are still some steel myths that people assume to be true. What are some of those steel myths? Steel Is It’s Own Metal For starters, a lot of people say steel is its own metal. Is this true? Yes and no. While steel is a metal, it’s actually… Loe rohkem »
Kohandatud VMI programmi eelised
Vendors and customers care about supply chains, eks? Customers want to make sure they get what they ordered on time and in good condition, and they also want to make sure they have enough of what they need to do their work– at all times. Vendors obviously want to sell products to make money, but… Loe rohkem »
Pidage neid asju silmas, kui ostate oma ettevõttele tantaali
If you heard the word “tantalum” you might think it was a heavy metal band popular in the 1980s. There was no such band, but speaking of metal, tantalum is a hard, ductile metal. Tantalum’s Beginnings Tantalum’s atomic number is 73 and its atomic symbol is Ta. Selle sulamistemperatuur on 5,462.6 F and its… Loe rohkem »
Kust tulevad metallid?
Where do metals come from? Noh, they usually come from ores. What are ores? They’re natural rocks (or sediments) containing one or more valuable minerals– and these minerals contain metals. Metallid, then, are usually dug up from the earth’s crust (mined), then treated and sold for profit. What are some key metals, as examples? That’d… Loe rohkem »