Tiwb Alloy Nickel
Corfforaeth Aloi Eagle (EAC) is a leading global supplier of Seamless and Welded Nickel Alloy Pipe. A wide variety of sizes from 1/8” IPS up to a 20” IPS are available for immediate shipping from stock in various alloys and grades:
Alloy 200, 201, 330, 400, 600, 601, 625, 718, 800, 800H, 800HP, 800HT, 825, 904L, AL6XN, Alloy 20, Aloi K500, C22, C276, Hastelloy X®, Inconel®, Monel®, Incoloy®
Please contact our courteous sales staff for pricing and availability on your exact requirements. We are always adding sizes so be sure to check with our sales team if you do not see your exact size listed!
Eagle Alloys supplies a wide variety of nickel alloy pipe and tubing to suit an endless array of modern applications. Nickel alloys are among the most popular contemporary alloys and are commonly used for their high resistances to corrosion, gwres, pressure and warping. We supply many of the most popular nickel alloys, including pipes and tubing using Inconel®, Monel®, ac aloion Incoloy®.
Nickel alloys are used almost everywhere, from engines, generators and reactors to oil refinery, chemical refinery and even everyday products such as doorknobs, eyeglasses and musical instruments. Over a hundred years of development have given nickel alloys their vast applications and strength and yielded a variety of forms. We supply Inconel®, Monel®, and Incoloy® alloys for everyday uses as well as high-stress industrial, amgylcheddau ynni neu gemegol.
Adding chromium, molybdenum, copper and other elements to the nickel alloys gives them an even higher resistance to oxidation and corrosion which makes it possible to use them in a wider range of applications. Tubes and pipes made of corrosion resistant nickel alloys are the first choice for a lot of applications due to their excellent resistance to various acids (sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid) and alkaline solutions.
A further increase of specific alloy elements (such as chromium, molybdenum, twngsten, titanium, aluminium, niobium, ac ati.) improves the high temperature, high strength characteristics of austenitic steels. The disadvantage of austenitic stainless steels occurs in the fact that these elements have a reduced solubility. In order to compensate this effect and to reach the desired result, the nickel concentration can be increased. The highest alloyed types of high temperature nickel-based alloys contain only a very low iron concentration.
Hastelloy® is a Registered Trademark of Haynes International
Inconel® Incoloy® Monel® are Registered Trademarks of
Special Metals Corporation and Its subsidiaries.
Eagle Alloys Nickel Alloy Tube Capabilities
Tiwb Alloy Nickel Taflen Stoc
Cyffredin Ceisiadau Diwydiant
DATGANIAD RHWYMEDIGAETH - YMWADIAD Rhoddir unrhyw awgrym o gymwysiadau neu ganlyniadau cynnyrch heb gynrychiolaeth na gwarant, naill ai wedi'i fynegi neu'n ymhlyg. Heb eithriad na chyfyngiad, nid oes unrhyw warantau masnachadwyedd na ffitrwydd at bwrpas neu gymhwysiad penodol. Rhaid i'r defnyddiwr werthuso pob proses a chymhwysiad ym mhob agwedd yn llawn, gan gynnwys addasrwydd, ni fydd cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith berthnasol a pheidio â thorri hawliau eraill Corfforaeth Eagle Alloys a'i chysylltiadau yn atebol am hynny..