Invar® / Super Invar®
Cynnyrch Trosolwg
Corfforaeth Aloi Eagle (EAC) is a leading global supplier of nickel iron low expansion alloys including Invar® and Super Invar® in foil, stribed, cynfas, plât, weiren, gwialen, bar, forged blocks and blanks. A wide variety of sizes are available from stock with immediate shipping. Mae Eagle Alloys hefyd yn cyflenwi aloion ehangu isel ychwanegol ac ehangu rheoledig Kovar, Alloy 42, Alloy 46 Alloy, 47/50, 48, 49, ac Alloy 52.
Gall EAC gyflenwi aloi magnetig meddal 50, Hyperco 50 & 50A., Vim Var Core Iron. Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and has been supplying the highest quality Invar® / Super Invar® for over 35 mlynedd.
Os nad oes gan Eagle Alloys eich union ofyniad mewn stoc, gallwn gynnig prisiau cystadleuol gydag amseroedd arwain byr.
Aloiion Eryr Invar® / Super Invar® Capabilities
Taflen Invar®
0.010" Thk x 10.5" x 72"
0.0015" Thk x 10.5" x 72"
0.020" Thk x 10.5" x 72"
0.030" Thk x 24" x 72"
0.040" Thk 24" x 72"
0.050" Thk x 24" x 72"
0.060" Thk x 24" x 60"
0.060" Thk x 24" x 120"
0.062" Thk x 24" x 72"
0.100"Thk x 24" x 72"
0.125" Thk x 24" x 120"
Invar® Plate
0.150" Thk
0.187" Thk
0.250" Thk
0.375" Thk
0.500" Thk
0.625" Thk
0.750" Thk
0.875" Thk
1" Thk
1.250" Thk
1.500" Thk
2" Thk
2.500" Thk
3" Thk
4" Thk
4.625" Thk
5" Thk
6" Thk
***Plate sizes will vary.
***Y ffordd orau i brynu: Rhowch wybod i'n tîm gwerthu eich maint gwag a'ch nifer o gyfrifiaduron personol. angen. Nid oes angen i chi brynu dalennau neu blatiau llawn.
***Other thicknesses and widths available upon request.
Invar® Rod/Bar
0.078" diwrnod x 36"lg
0.093" diwrnod x 36"lg
0.100" diwrnod x 72"lg
0.125" diwrnod x 120"lg
0.187" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
0.250" diwrnod x 72"lg
0.312" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
0.375" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
0.500" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
0.625" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
0.750" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
0.875" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
1" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
1.125" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
1.250" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
1.500" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
1.625" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
1.750" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
2" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
2.250" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
2.375" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
2.500" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
2.750" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
3" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
3.500" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
4" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
5" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
6" Dia x 10'-12' R/lgs.
Invar® Welding Wire
0.045 x MIG apprx. 25 lb. spools
0.078" x 36 TIG
0.093 x TIG apprx. 10 lb. packs
0.093 x 36 TIG
Invar® Coil
Coil thicknesses from 0.005" Thk hyd at 0.135"Thk available
Super Invar® Sheet/Plate
0.040" Thk up to 0.125" Thk
0.250" Thk hyd at 2.500" Thk
*Stock sizes change often due to availability.
Super Invar® Rod/Bar
0.500" Dia hyd at 2.500" Bore
Meintiau mwy wedi'u gwneud i archebu hyd at 12" Bore. Amseroedd arwain cyflym a dim maint archeb lleiaf.
Priodweddau & Ceisiadau
Invar® / Super Invar® Typical Applications
Invar® / Super Invar® Specifications (ar gais)
Cyffredin Ceisiadau Diwydiant
DATGANIAD RHWYMEDIGAETH - YMWADIAD Rhoddir unrhyw awgrym o gymwysiadau neu ganlyniadau cynnyrch heb gynrychiolaeth na gwarant, naill ai wedi'i fynegi neu'n ymhlyg. Heb eithriad na chyfyngiad, nid oes unrhyw warantau masnachadwyedd na ffitrwydd at bwrpas neu gymhwysiad penodol. Rhaid i'r defnyddiwr werthuso pob proses a chymhwysiad ym mhob agwedd yn llawn, gan gynnwys addasrwydd, ni fydd cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith berthnasol a pheidio â thorri hawliau eraill Corfforaeth Eagle Alloys a'i chysylltiadau yn atebol am hynny..