A Beginner’s Guide to Metal Fabrication

The metal fabrication industry is an interesting industry with lots of statistics and facts, some of which might surprise you while others will have you saying, “I knew that.” Metal Fabrication Industry Facts For starters, if you want to work in the metal fabrication industry you do NOT need a license. Wedi dweud hynny, workersDarllen mwy »

Defnyddiau Cyffredin Nicel

Pan fydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn clywed y gair “nicel,” maent yn gyffredin yn ei gysylltu â'r darn arian nicel gwerth pum cent yn America. Wedi dweud hynny, gelwir nicel hefyd yn fetel arian-gwyn y gallech ddod o hyd iddo yng nghramen y ddaear, yn nodweddiadol mewn gwythiennau hydrothermol ac mewn dyddodion arwyneb diolch i erydiad a hindreulio creigiau. If youDarllen mwy »

The Benefits of Custom Metal Fabrication

Custom metal fabrication has several benefits. What are they? Find out here… Tailored Design You have needs, and you have exact needs. When you want to meet those exact needs, you can utilize custom metal fabrication such that you get exactly what you want and need rather than have to rely on a prefabricated designDarllen mwy »

Frequently Asked Questions of Industrial Metal Suppliers

What are some questions to ask a metal supplier? You can ask whether or not they’re ISO certified. If they are ISO certified, that means they’ve developed and maintained business processes (and performance) to appropriate quality standards. Industries What kind of industries do they supply to? Er enghraifft, do they specialize in just one industryDarllen mwy »

A Guide to High Temperature Alloys

Do you work at a company that deals with hot environments and/or extreme temperatures? Os felly, you might be somewhat familiar with high temperature alloys. When the temperatures are extremely hot, there are certain metals and alloys that perform well thanks to their structure(s) and the strength of the interatomic bonds within them. What areDarllen mwy »

Does Industrial Aluminum Corrode?

Mae alwminiwm a'i aloion yn hanfodol i'r diwydiant awyrofod ac yn bwysig mewn diwydiannau cludo ac adeiladu. Aluminum is found in many products including automobiles, window frames, kitchen appliances and more. Known for its strength, ductility and low weight, it’s also popular because of its resistance to rust. Aluminum is Rust-Resistant Though aluminum is rust-resistant,… Darllen mwy »

Arweinlyfr i Niobium: Metel Diwydiannol Ammhrisiadwy

Beth ydych chi'n ei wybod am niobium? Defnyddir y metel hwn mewn sawl diwydiant ar gyfer cymwysiadau arbenigol ac nid oes ganddo unrhyw amnewidion effeithiol. Mae angen Niobium ar gyfer gweithgynhyrchu ceir, llongau, adeiladau, cyfrifiaduron, magnetau uwch-ddargludo, dyfeisiau uwch-dechnoleg a mwy. Mae'r angen amdano yn parhau i godi yn y cyfnod modern hwn. Wedi dweud hynny, it’s not exactly ubiquitous whenDarllen mwy »

Neidio i'r Cynnwys

That smartphone you use to check Facebook, email and the Internet? That’s possible thanks to industrial metals. Yn wir, many of today’s technological advancements are due, in part, to metals being used in ways that would blow the minds of people alive on Planet Earth just a century ago. Energy and technology rely on several metals,… Darllen mwy »

Neidio i'r Cynnwys

Known for corrosion resistance and a high strength to weight ratio so it’s typically a lighter weight than other options, Aluminum bar meets a lot of company’s needs. It can be bent and shaped in a number of ways. It’s also hygienic and ductile, with good thermal and electrical conductivity as well as reflexivity. VariedDarllen mwy »

Neidio i'r Cynnwys

Eagle Alloys sells a variety of metals, including rhenium. It’s a chemical element that’s classified as a transition metal. History First discovered in 1925 in Germany, rhenium was first found in platinum ores and columbite. Its compounds include oxides, halides and sulfides. It is one of five major refractory metals, known to have high resistanceDarllen mwy »