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Aplicacions de la indústria mèdica

Applications for Medical / Biomedical Equipment & Devices

Oh, the marvel that is modern medicine. We’re lucky to live in the times we do, where medical equipment has never been more advanced, helping doctors diagnose issues and helping patients heal quicker and improve their quality of lives.

És clar, medical equipment is only as good as the materials that comprise it. For businesses that manufacture medical equipment, it’s vital they have a reliable medical grade alloy supplier. For countless manufacturers of medical equipment, the alloy supplier of choice is Eagle Alloys Corporation. For nearly 40 anys, we have provided the industrial metals our clients need to for their operations. Check out the different options we provide.

Medical Grade Alloys Used In Manufacturing of Testing Equipment

  • Alumini 4032
  • Alumini 4047
  • Molibdè
  • Tàntal
  • Tungstè pur
  • Tung Alloy
  • Cu (Tantasts de coure)
  • Niobi
  • Hafnium
  • Vanadi
  • Rhenium - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
  • Invar/Super Invar
  • Zirconi
  • Kovar
  • Níquel
  • High Temp

The materials we provide are used for a wide array of purposes, including but not limited to medical devices and equipment, such as knee and hip replacement inserts. És més, these, strong, durable materials are used for vital things such as stents, and in all sorts of equipment that require just the right composition of materials and strength to provide patients with the care they need. Per exemple, MRI machines contain important alloy materials!

If you have any general or specific questions, or if you would like to learn more about the benefits of choosing Eagle Alloys Corporation to be your alloy supplier for your business in the medical industry, poseu-vos en contacte amb nosaltres a la vostra comoditat. Tingueu en compte, we will provide a Alliberar quote and can customize orders to your specific specs.

Tipus d 'aliatges utilitzats a Aplicacions de la indústria mèdica

Comú Aplicacions de la indústria mèdica

Radiation Shielding
CT Scanners
Endoscopic Surgical Tools
Electro Plating
Radiation Enclosures
X-Ray Targets
Implants ortopèdics
Superconducting Magnets
MRI Scanners
NMR Equipment
Biopsy Gun Components
Surgical Tools

Poseu-vos en contacte amb Eagle Alloys

Peatge gratuït: 800.237.9012
Local: 423.586.8738
Fax: 423.586.7456

Correu electrònic:

Seu de la companyia:
178 West Park Court
Talbott, TN 37877

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