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Tantalum Semi-Finished Parts Supplier

Tantalum halfafgewerkte onderdele
Interested in Tantalum Semi-Finished Parts?

Eagle Alloys Corporation (EAC) is the leading global supplier of Tantalum semi-finished parts and custom grades and custom alloys with short lead times.

Eagle Alloys Corporation can supply Tantalum semi-finished parts from 0.003” Dia up to 8” Dia and square or rectangular semi-finished parts from 0.001” Thk up to 4” Thk.

Eagle Alloys Corporation is an ISO Certified Corporation and have been supply the highest quality Tantalum semi-finished parts for over 35 jare.

In addition to commercially pure Tantalum EAC also supplies Medical Grade Tantalum, en Tantaal Allooie Ta2.5%W, Ta7.5%W, Ta10%W, Ta40%Columbium (Niobium).

Tantalum semi-finished parts are typically supplied to meet the requirements of ASTM-B-708, ASTM-B-365, ASTM-B-521, ASTM-F-560, AMS 7847, AMS 7848, ISO 13782, RO5200, RO5400, RO5255, RO5252, RO5240.

Eagle Alloys verskaf DRC Conflict Free materiaal. EAC only sources our Tantalum semi-finished parts from Level 1 smelters.

Tantalum applications include capacitators, vakuum oonde, chemiese verwerkingstoerusting, kernreaktors, aircraft parts, ballistics, surgical implants and closures, dental implants and instruments, mesh, smeltkroeë, hitteruilers, condensers, helical coils, valve linings, engine turbine blades, halfgeleiers, cemented carbide cutting tools, sputterende teikens, fasteners, thermowells, valve bodies, orthopedic implants, magnetic and radiation shielding, marker bands, single crystal, flanges, and penetrators.

Eagle Alloys Tantalum Semi-Finished Parts Capabilities

Min grootte
Maksimum grootte
Tantalum halfafgewerkte onderdele (Ronde)
0.003Eagle Alloys Koper Wolfram Pasgemaakte Grootte Vermoë
8" Oggend
0.003” Dia up to 8" Oggend
Tantalum halfafgewerkte onderdele (Vierkant / Reghoek)
0.001" Thk
4" Thk
0.001" Thk tot 4" Thk
*Pasgemaakte groottes op aanvraag

Tantalum Semi-Finished Parts Stock Sizes Versending op dieselfde dag (onderhewig aan voorafverkoping)

Versending op dieselfde dag
Tantalum halfafgewerkte onderdele
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Algemene Bedryfstoepassings

VERANTWOORDELIKHEID - VRYWARING Enige voorstelle van produktoepassings of resultate word gegee sonder voorstelling of waarborg, hetsy uitgedruk of geïmpliseer. Sonder uitsondering of beperking, daar is geen waarborge vir verhandelbaarheid of geskiktheid vir 'n spesifieke doel of toepassing nie. Die gebruiker moet elke proses en toepassing volledig beoordeel in alle aspekte, insluitend geskiktheid, die nakoming van toepaslike wetgewing en die skending van die regte van ander Eagle Alloys Corporation en sy affiliasies is nie aanspreeklik daarvoor nie.


Kontak Eagle Alloys

Tolvry: 800.237.9012
Plaaslik: 423.586.8738
Faks: 423.586.7456


Maatskappy se hoofkwartier:
178 West Park-hof
Talbott, TN 37877

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