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Olie, Gas & Petrochemiese nywerheidstoepassings

Metal Alloys for the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries

Are you looking for corrosion resistant alloys for oil and gas purposes? Do you need a reliable oil industry alloy supplier who will provide you with nickel alloys, titanium and stainless steel industrial metals? Fortunately, you can end your search by trusting in Eagle Alloys Corporation.

Since our inception in 1982, Eagle Alloys has worked with businesses in a wide range of industries, including oil and gas. As a supplier of petrochemical alloys, we will provide you with the materials you need for important pieces of equipment, including but not limited to drilling applications, flow lines and other vital pieces of equipment.

At the end of the day, businesses in the refinery industry must have reliable alloys to safely transport equipment and materials. An accident is not just an accident in the refinery industry—if something goes amiss, it could be harmful to humans and the environment.

As such, it’s vital to have equipment made from the right materials. And in the oil and gas industries, there is always a risk of corrosion from acid and rust, which is why you need truly durable and steady piping and tubing. Eagle Alloys offers a litany of options, including always popular steel, nickel and copper ones. To learn more about the different industrial metals we sell or to request a VRY quote, Kontak Ons.

Tipes legerings wat gebruik word in Olie, Gas & Petrochemical Industry Applications

Algemene Olie, Gas & Petrochemical Industry Applications

Turbine Blades
Cutting Tools
Counterbalance Weights
Erosion Resistant Parts
Offshore Oil Rigs
Heat Resistant Equipment

Kontak Eagle Alloys

Tolvry: 800.237.9012
Plaaslik: 423.586.8738
Faks: 423.586.7456


Maatskappy se hoofkwartier:
178 West Park-hof
Talbott, TN 37877

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